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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Top Warning Signs of Diabetes

Diabetes often goes undiagnosed because most of its signs are not very harmful. Most of the signs of type 1 and 2 diabetes are the same. As in both cases there is an excess amount of sugar in the blood and an insufficient amount of sugar in the cells, where actually it is required.

In type 1 increased level of glucose in the blood is the outcome of the destruction of insulin producing cells. In type 2 diabetes high glucose level occurs when cells of the body become resistant to produce insulin.

In both types the cells are not getting the required amount of glucose and the body tries to inform you for this by giving different signs which has been mentioned here.

Recurrent visits to the Bathroom: One has to urinate more when there is an excessive amount of glucose in the body. If insulin is not effective or is not there then the kidneys are unable to filter the glucose back to blood. They then become over reactive and attempts to extract more water from the blood to dilute the glucose. This is the reason that bladder is fuller and one has to make recurrent visit to the bathroom.

Feeling Thirsty: If somebody has the feeling that he is more thirsty than usual then it can also be the sign of diabetes. The reason is that when kidney are demanding extra water from the blood and he is frequently going to the rest room, he may feel the need to drink more water to substitute the one being expelled.

Weight Loss: This sign is more prevalent in those who have type 1 diabetes than the ones with type 2. As in type 1 pancreas is unable to make insulin due to a viral attack. The body is not getting enough energy from the cells. To fulfill this deficiency the body starts to break down the fat cells and muscle tissues for energy and that results in a rapid weight loss.

Tiredness: It is again due to glucose. Glucose in the food which we take goes into the blood where there should be insulin to help it out. The cells use this glucose to produce energy. But when there is not enough insulin the cells also do not react to it. The glucose is then not entered into the blood. The cells become energy deficient and the diabetic feel run down and tired.

Numbness in Feet, Hands or Legs: This sign appears gradually over time and is called neuropathy. The reason behind this is that the consistent levels of high glucose levels in the blood destroy the nervous system. This destruction can be controlled by having a proper control on blood sugar levels.

The high glucose in the body also results in blurred vision, itchy skin, cuts and infections that take a longer time to heal.

If you notice any of the above sign in yourself or your child, schedule an appointment with the doctor and gather as much information as you can. As only proper knowledge and better understanding of diabetes can help you in fighting the battle against it and even reverse it.



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