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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Guide to Tap Water Filters and Tap Water Purifiers

What's the difference between a tap water filter and a tap water purifier? Basically, a tap water filter will reduce only certain contaminants, usually just chlorine. A multi-stage tap water purifier on the other hand removes a wide range of contaminants by including a number of stages.

It's important to understand the difference before you go shopping. There are many products on the market and many are a real waste of money.

The least expensive (typically Brita) will only reduce chlorine and lower the lead content, according to their product performance data. A tap water purifier should do much more.

If you are serviced by a public treatment facility, this is a list of the contaminants that are most likely present in your water supply, along with the health problems that these impurities can cause.

· Cysts, parasites in an early stage of development that cause waterborne illnesses similar to food poisoning. Children with poorly developed immune systems and adults with dysfunctional immune systems can die from the infection. The EPA warns that cysts may be present in any supply at any time and can even be found in bottled brands.
· Chlorine and other chemical disinfectants cause anemia in children, gastrointestinal problems in adults.
· Trihalomethanes, THMs or disinfection byproducts are present in any publicly treated supply. Exposure occurs through drinking, bathing, cooking, washing dishes and showering. This exposure doubles your risk of bladder cancer and increases your risk of colorectal cancer by 40%.
· Lead, a heavy metal, causes brain damage, learning disorders, anti-social behavior and other problems in children. Tiny traces build up in the body over the course of one's lifetime and increase the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure.
· Other cancer causing chemicals including Atrazine, lindane, alachlor, benzene and TCE.

A tap water filter may remove some of these things. An effective tap water purifier removes more than 99% of each one. You can check for certifications and product performance data, before you buy, but here are some of the facts about the different systems on the market.

A reverse osmosis tap water filter will remove cysts and reduce lead to the "federal action level". Although expensive, they are not effective against chemical contaminants, at all. The only effective system that includes a reverse osmosis step costs nearly $800 and that's just for an under-the-counter unit. The thing about it is you do not need a reverse osmosis step.

A tap water purifier that includes submicron filtration will remove cysts. A system that includes ion exchange will reduce 99.99% of all of the traces of lead that may be present in your home. A multi-media block will trap all of the chemicals mentioned above. Just three steps and about $100 for the safest, best tasting water on the planet.

Remember that THM exposure occurs in the shower, as well. You should also remember to purify what you cook with. Any tap water filter is better than none. But, the purer, the better, in my opinion, so check water purifiers out today. The sooner the better.

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