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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

How to Live With Diabetes and Manage Your Health

There is no argument about the fact that diabetes is a serious health condition. Currently there is no medically proven cure for diabetes. The disease can't be cured, but thankfully it can be successfully managed with the appropriate changes in lifestyle. If the disease is left untreated it invites many diabetic complications like heart stroke, heart attack, kidney failure, amputation, blindness and erectile dysfunction. If diabetes is diagnosed at an early stage the risk of diabetic complications can be reduced by the efficient management of the disease.

Diabetics can enjoy a healthy life by following these 10 steps:

Eat Well

Diabetics should enjoy healthy foods that are low in sugar, saturated fats and salts. It is recommended that they should consume a diet that is high in fiber. Examples of such foods are cereals, whole grain bread, vegetables and fruits. Diabetics should keep a close eye on the portion size of the food. You should try not to eat more than they consume, with the goal being to control weight gain. The vegetarian lifestyle is better overall for your health, as the vegetables are rich in fiber and they put a check on the weight gain.

Be Active

You should try to bring maximum physical activity to your life. Aim for at least for 30 minutes of exercise daily.

Stop Smoking

It is better to quit smoking. If it is difficult, one should consult a physician that can assist him.

Monitor Blood Sugar Level

The blood sugar levels should be regularly monitored. You can prevent the diabetic complications by keeping the blood sugar level in control.

Drink in Moderation

If you drink alcohol, either quit it or try to have it in moderation.

Weight Control

Keep a track of the waist size and the weight. If you are overweight it can make a reasonable difference in his blood sugar levels by losing some weight.

Annual Tests

Go regularly for the annual tests recommended for diabetics.

Foot Examination

Examine the feet well. Use well fitted socks and comfortable shoes. Be aware of any cut or injuries on feet.

Eye Examination

Have an eye examination annually by an optician.

Positive Attitude

Keep a positive attitude towards life

Changing your lifestyle with the help of the above mentioned steps can help you to keep diabetes in control. It will also enable you to live a happy and healthier life and enjoy all the benefits.

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