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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Natural Diabetes Remedies - Why Home Remedies Work

Thousands of people will use natural diabetes remedies to cure their diabetes this year! Though you may feel a little skeptical about this statement, it is a very true statement! Here is why!

Did you know that you can naturally reverse and eventually cure all types of diabetes? Unfortunately, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) will still not endorse a natural cure because of pharmaceutical pressure.

However, that is not stopping thousands of sufferers from treating themselves at home. By the end of this article, you will know 5 natural diabetes remedies that have been proven to work!

Why Home Remedies Work?

It is the 21st century and home remedies are no longer taboo! Even many doctors are now suggesting simple ways you can cure and reverse many common ailments. In fact, kidney stone and gallstone alternative treatments are one of the fastest growing treatments in the West.

And a diabetes alternative treatment is a close third! The reason why a natural remedy works for diabetes is because your body is capable of making new cells. In fact, your body will make thousands and thousands of cells by the time you read this sentence. Unfortunately, it most likely created cells that are diabetic (do not accept insulin).

The neat thing that scientist and researchers are finding is that the body can create healthier cells that accept insulin if it is given the right tools to do it. Let me explain some simple ways to reverse this common disease by making new cells that accept insulin.

5 Natural Diabetes Remedies

1. Apple cider vinegar has often been labeled the king of remedies and it also works for diabetes. Apple cider vinegar is loaded with numerous essential vitamins and minerals which help regulate blood sugar. Before every large meal you should mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water and drink up.

This remedy will not taste the greatest at first but the benefits are worth it!

2. A flaxseed oil supplement is also essential for curing diabetes and helping with better overall health. You should take a daily vitamin and flaxseed oil supplement. Flaxseed oil is a great source of omega 9 and omega 3 essential fatty acids which are required for cellular repairing. And cellular repairing is what will eventually allow all cells to accept insulin.

3. Alfalfa which is also rich in vitamins and minerals has also been shown to regulate blood sugar levels. This remedy has been used in Eastern medicine since the 6th century and has also been found to be beneficial for diabetes.

4. A high fiber diet with plenty of whole foods has also been shown to be beneficial. You should try to eat at least 5-7 fruits and vegetables daily which will help with allowing the body to function more efficiently and regulate blood sugar.

5. Lastly, you should try to drink at least 12 glasses of water daily while exercising for at least 45 minutes a day. Drinking water and exercising will give you better overall health while helping your body create cells which are not pre-diabetic. Exercising has been shown to regulate blood sugar.

Cure Diabetes in Weeks

For a 100% guaranteed natural diabetes remedies report, please visit our website today. We offer the only downloadable report that is step by step and research based.

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