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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Type 2 Diabetes - How to Fight it and Win

The number of people in the United States that have type 2 diabetes is on the rise. The number of people diagnosed with the disease has steadily risen every year since the 1990's. The worst thing about this epidemic is all the medical conditions and disabilities that come with the disease. Such things as stroke, heart attack, kidney disease, blindness, and amputations are common with people who have type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is when the body does not produce enough insulin for the body or the body basically ignores the insulin that is produced. Insulin is needed by the body to produce energy for the body to function properly. When there is not enough insulin your body, it does not have the energy to function like it should.

When you are diagnosed with the disease, it does not have to mean a death sentence or a life of misery. There are ways that you can fight type 2 diabetes and win.

The main way that you can fight this disease is to start following a healthy lifestyle program. This healthy lifestyle program involves regular exercise and healthy eating. The main reason why people develop type 2 diabetes is due to being overweight and unhealthy. When you change your bad habits around, you can fight the disease and win

The American Diabetes Association is an organization that does research on the disease, provide information, and helps people manage their illness. They recently approved a lifestyle program called Kathy Smith's Project:YOU! Type 2. Project:YOU! Type 2 teaches people with type 2 diabetes how to eat healthy and provides workouts for them that are taught by fitness trainer Kathy Smith. It helps people get back on track to the healthy lifestyle they need to fight the disease. It has been proven that once a person is diagnosed with this illness and they start to get rid of their unhealthy ways, the diabetes can be managed without medicine and the person can live a long and healthy life. Also, losing weight with exercise and a balanced diet can also help manage the illness. Just a little bit of weight, such as 10 pounds can make a difference in your blood sugar levels.

The other way that people can fight and win against this disease is to take the proper medicines that their doctors prescribe. It may mean that you take extra insulin everyday or it may be another medicine that helps your body produce more insulin. It depends on how severe your case is.

The best way to fight type 2 diabetes and live a long life is to start living healthy with regular exercise and healthy foods along with taking the proper medicines from your doctor. You don't have to have this disease hold you back. You can fight and win!

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