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Saturday, April 4, 2009

Diabets Attitude - Get it Right!

All too often people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes somehow get the impression that the medication prescribed is the controlling factor of how well they do with diabetes. NOT TRUE! WRONG ATTITUDE!

The diabetes medication your physician may have prescribed for you will help you get closer to normal ranges in blood sugar, but it is not the only thing you should do to get back to better health. Let me tell you why controlling your diabetes is critical to your life.

Diabetes and good control affects every area of your body and your life. Left uncontrolled diabetes can be destructive and deadly. That is right. DEADLY! Higher blood sugar can result in heart attacks, heart disease, strokes, blindness, amputations, and kidney failure.

Diabetes both type 1 and type 2 results in the sugar (glucose) in your blood being higher than normal. Since the blood is the lifeline of every part of your body, high blood sugar causes problems throughout your body. If your high blood sugar remains, problems will occur.

Effects of high blood sugar develop gradually. They are serious and can forever alter your life. Just imagine having your foot amputated, having a heart attack with permanent damage, or having to go to dialysis three times a week because your kidneys do not do their job. I don't know about you but the thought of being disabled by these problems is enough to cause me to take a little time each day to get my blood sugar within a normal range.

If you believe living with diabetes is a small thing and it doesn't really matter what you do about it each day as long as you take your medication... YOU NEED AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT. Change your attitude immediately.

I'm not trying to scare you, but it's important for any diabetic to understand that the higher than normal blood sugar each day affects the quality of their future. Obviously, the first thing to do is to try to lower blood sugar as close as possible to normal range blood sugar. That's the overall goal of diabetes control.

The food you eat, your weight, your daily activity, your level of stress, your overall health, and your medications all contribute to helping you attain control over your blood sugars. Blood sugars are continually changing throughout the day. As long you are able to keep good control over your blood sugar, your problems with diabetes will diminish.
There are many facts and concepts to master to maintaining good blood sugars. That's why your attitude about your diabetes is so important. Without the attitude of "I want to control my diabetes" "I can learn how to get my blood sugar under control." and "I can do it." you can become overwhelmed at the task and only give a poor effort and sometimes, even give up.

One key to adjusting your attitude is to understand what diabetes is and why changes you make have a good effect on managing diabetes. Listen and learn all you can from your healthcare providers. Research. Take classes. Do whatever it takes to motivate yourself to have a healthy attitude about your diabetes and about keeping your blood sugar within a good target range.

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