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Saturday, August 15, 2009

3-Way Control of Blood Sugar and Diabetes Without Insulin

We all know that diabetes is now in epidemic stages in people over 50 and probably will get even worse in the coming years. Diabetes tears the human body up with heart disease, blindness, and in general just aging the body prematurely. You just feel older then your years.

There are steps you can take to slow down and even stop the devastation of type 2 diabetes. First of all work with your doctor, find out what your glucose count is. Normal is between 70 and 150mg. A fasting count should not exceed 126mg/dL.

Three very important things that you must do to control your blood sugar:

1 - Eat a balanced diet and leave the table while still a little hungry. Believe it or not, this alone will do wonders for the way you feel.

2 - Get some exercise! It was shown that strengh exercise is very good for sugar control. That along with any type of walking, swimming, biking or arobics will do wonders for the old body. I guarantee you will feel much younger and your blood sugar will improve substantially.

3 - Relax and don't worry! Getting all tense with worry will shoot your sugar level sky high. Learning to relax is another very helpful thing to learn. It is best to avoid the news because seeing bad things that you can't do anything about is very stressful. Yoga, Tai Chi, and Self Hypnosis are excellent ways to control stress.

The important thing for you to remember is that you can greatly improve the way you feel just by being sensible about what you do. Don't put it off, it won't go away on it's own. You don't want to have a heart attack or lose a leg before you admit your diabetic. Get with the program today.

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