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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Exercise and High Blood Sugar

A big question for those of us with diabetes is whether or not it is safe to exercise with high blood sugar. The safest answer is no.

Although exercise is important in order to keep tight blood sugar control, it is more important to make sure that it is performed safely. It is of the utmost importance to test before and after exercise in order to ensure that blood glucose levels are in the normal range. If the blood glucose happens to be 250 or higher, then it is best to delay exercise until the level is lower.

Why, do you ask? Because, if the blood glucose is 250 or higher, then there may not be enough insulin in the body to make it possible to lower it. This is especially important for type 1 diabetics who are prone to ketoacidosis, which is a life-threatening condition caused by a lack of insulin in the body. During exercise, the body releases glucose into the bloodstream in order to give the muscles the energy they need. This is the reason that blood sugar levels rise after exercise. If the blood glucose level is already at 250, then the body already will be using the insulin that it has on board in order to bring it down to a more normal level. As a result, there will not be enough insulin left to counter the effect that exercise has on the body of a diabetic.

So, is it safe to exercise with high blood sugar? The safest answer is no. To remain safe, always test prior to exercise and if your blood sugar is high, wait until it has reached a normal level before getting active.

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