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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Prevent the Complications of Diabetes Starting Today

The complications of diabetes are heart disease, kidney failure, numbness in the arms and legs and even blindness. You can prevent these complications if you control your blood glucose level. It is the rise in glucose that starves the other cells of your body of the much needed nutrients that they need to function properly. If these organs such as your kidneys do not have the nutrients then they will start to fail.

If you have high blood pressure be sure to check it often and take your medications. High blood pressure can be a factor in increasing levels of blood glucose, so you must watch the blood pressure often.

Take most of the fat out of your diet. Control your cholesterol level as this can lead to cardiovascular disease.

Have your eyes examined every year by an optometrist or ophthalmologist.

If you lose sensation in your feet and hands this could be neuropathy which is sensory nerve damage caused by high blood sugar. Call your physician right away.

There are many complications to diabetes. Start today to take control of your life. Start a diabetic meal plan today and stick to it. Start walking today. When you start the diabetic diet then you are giving the body the nutrients that it needs. When you walk you are losing weight, strengthening your muscles and lowering your blood pressure. When you monitor your cholesterol and blood pressure and have your eyes examine then you are in charge of your health and the complications of diabetes. Stop the complications - take charge today!

I have found this resource for Free Diabetic Diet Plan and would like to share it with you.

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