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Monday, February 8, 2010

How to Cure Diabetes Naturally

Diabetes is one of the most widespread diseases prevalent in today's ultra modern world with its modern lifestyle and a life laced with no time for even the trivial things of life such as proper food. One of the main reasons of diabetes is the improper food habits, especially consumption of the junk food, that too, irregularly. Like it is said, all problems caused has to be solved by him. There are a number of counter habits that can reduce the risk of developing diabetes, and also to reduce the effects of diabetes in people already afflicted by it.

Diabetes has to do with the presence of sugar molecules in the human body, and as according to intuition, it is imperative that to reduce the risk of diabetes, one reduces the amount of food rich in sugar and fat. Furthermore there are certain food ingredients that are found to play a pivotal role in eliminating the ill effects of the disease. Some of them are magnesium, fig leaves, black seed and bitter melon. Certain types of fruits also tend to have a healing effect on the human body. Prominent among these are apples.

Magnesium has been proven by doctors to lower the contraction of muscles, which are sometimes a by product of diabetes and also it acts as a catalyst in the reaction of the sugar molecules during their conversion into energy. It is actually these unreacted molecules that are a major factor in the enzyme receptors having low receptivity. Fig leaves tend to help a diabetic by diluting his body with the available insulin so that further insulin is not made necessary. It must be taken early in the morning with breakfast so that the hyper active body processes are injected with the fig's molecules and during the whole day of changing conditions, they keep the insulin levels under check. Other such natural cures are cinnamon, olive oil. Exercises to work out and break down the insulin also helps.

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