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Monday, November 3, 2008

Challenges You Face With Being Diabetic

Age can affect diabetes substantially from childhood through old age. With every phase of life, there may be additional or simply different factors at play that you will need to adapt to. Dealing with emotional issues in youngsters, puberty, college years, job stresses, family issues and becoming frailer with age are issues that tend to affect diabetes. Being aware that these issues exist is the first step in dealing with it. Know that these issues occur naturally in life and knowing that diabetes may exacerbate them will make dealing with them a lot easier.

There are lifestyle issues that may greatly complicate the effects of diabetes. School, work, family life, dating and going out with friends can all challenge even the most diligent of diabetes sufferers. It is difficult to be spontaneous when you have diabetes but as long as you are prepared and aware, there is no reason why you can not enjoy all the same activities as your friends and family. You will only need to make some minor adjustments and ensure you are fully prepared in case of a diabetic emergency.

Talking to friends and family about your disease and making them aware of how certain issues should be handled is a great way to make them more aware as well as protect yourself in case you are unable to seek help alone. Make sure you adhere to your dietary requirements. This may be tempting not to do especially if on vacation or out on a date at a fancy restaurant. However, most dining establishments will be more than happy to alter recipes in order to accommodate your needs.

Make sure you always take your medication regularly and on time. In addition, making sure you have extras just in case will allow you a certain amount of freedom and spontaneity. While you and your friends are out and decide to hop a plane to Vegas, you can do so knowing that you are already fully prepared with your prescriptions. You don't have to inconvenience others or miss out on some fun just because you have diabetes.

Depression is common among those with diabetes and part of that is due to the stressors involved with adhering to strict routines. It is also based on the belief that you are missing out on particulars in life. While living with diabetes does mean making some adjustments to your life, they do not have to be extreme. With a little planning and discipline, the preparations and maintenance become routine. Living with diabetes can mean living as normal a life as the rest of your friends and family as long as you take a few precautions.

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