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Friday, November 21, 2008

Diabetic Diet Control

Diabetic diet control Type2 diabetes is one of the most common health conditions we see in the society today. A number of reasons lead to the development of diabetes. These include:
A family history of Type 2 diabetes Obesity or being overweight Lack of sufficient physical activity Unhealthy eating patterns
Diabetic people run the risk of developing a large number of adverse health conditions, like:
Retinopathy, neuropathy and nephropathy Heart problems Diabetic food problems
Sadly, there is no cure for diabetes. However, since the development of type2 diabetes is intricately connected to a person's weight and food habits, diabetes can be managed effectively by adopting healthy lifestyle habits.
One of the most important factors in the effective management of diabetes is diet control. A diabetic diet must achieve the right balance between nutrients and calorie count. On the one hand, it must be rich enough to provide all the vital nutrients in the right proportions. On the other, a diabetic diet must exercise strict calorie control so that the diabetic patient is at no risk of putting on extra weight. In fact, losing body weight is one of the best ways of achieving tight blood sugar control. Therefore, diabetics need to pay extra attention to what they eat.
A healthy diabetic diet must be low in fat and carbohydrates. The intake of white flour, sugar, oils, trans fats and full-fat milk products must be tightly controlled or kept to a bare minimum.
A diabetic diet must be rich in water. Alcohol, fruit juices and carbonated drinks must be avoided at all costs.
One of the main contributory reasons to the development of diabetes is the abundant intake of junk food. Fast food is rich in sugar and absolutely empty of fiber. Diabetics must eliminate fast foods from their diet.
A controlled diabetic diet is rich in complex carbohydrates and fiber. So a diabetic diet must contain lots of unpeeled fresh vegetables, legumes such as beans and lentils, brown rice, whole wheat bread, bran and oats. These kinds of food stuff are rich in fiber. The intake of fiber is particularly vital to the health of a diabetic patient. This is because fiber has the unique ability of regulating blood sugar levels. Sugar contained in the food is released into the bloodstream in very small doses in the presence of fiber. Fiber has another crucial beneficial effect. It helps in detoxification and elimination. Abundant fiber in the diabetic diet also ensures control over sharp hunger pangs.
Unfortunately, most diabetic patients find it difficult to take in dietary fiber in its natural form. This is the reason why many diabetics depend on the intake of healthy, all natural fiber supplements. A water-soluble, fiber supplement that is made from natural plant extracts and is free of all artificial flavors, additives and colors can help a diabetic patient regulate his blood sugar levels effectively.
Diet is only one part of diabetic management. Proper exercise plays a vital role in keeping blood sugar levels under control in the long-run. Therefore, it is important that a diabetic patient complements his diet control efforts with proper exercise.

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