The Type 2 Diabetes Explosion!
Explosion, rather a dramatic word to apply to a health condition... but do you know it is really applicable when the condition is type 2 diabetes? Think about an explosion caused by dynamite, someone needs to light the fuse. If that fuse is not lit, the dynamite is useless, it is ineffective, there will be no explosion!
Now, in type 2 diabetes, the fuse may be the food that is available, food that is promoted all over the television and Internet:
* the fast foods
* the processed foods
* the weight loss programs
* most packaged health foods
* fat-free, low-fat and light foods
* prepared fruit juices
* commercially prepared soups
* hamburgers
* tomato paste and more
But who lights the fuse in type 2 diabetes... we do. We are responsible for what we eat, we can't blame anyone else. At this time it is believed type 2 diabetes needs to be in your family, in your genes, for it to become active under the right conditions. The right conditions include being overweight or being obese... having fat around your waistline, around your abdominal area. The consequence of obesity is type 2 diabetes.
Can type 2 diabetes be cured? Can type 2 diabetes be avoided? If your choice of lifestyle is the cause, it sounds like it can at least be avoided and it certainly is not too late even if you have received a definite diagnosis. Recovery starts with you, your choices!
1. Keep a diary of everything you eat and drink for one week... you will soon start to see what you need to change. There's no need to give up foods you love, just reduce the amount.
2. Show in your diary how much physical activity you take part in... buy a pedometer and measure your daily footsteps... aim for 1,000 steps each day to start with.
3. Take small consistent steps towards losing 5 to 10lbs (2.2 to 4.4 kg), then another 5 to 10lbs (2.2 to 4.4kg). Losing more than 2lbs (1kg) a weeks means you are losing muscle, and that's not what you are aiming for... you want to lose fat.
There is an important relationship between food and blood sugar, insulin and fat. The more overweight you are, the more resistant to insulin you become because extra adipose tissue (fat), causes a hormone reaction which is a rise in your body's cortisol. That process then closes your cell's doors and prevents sugar from entering... this sugar has no alternative but to go onto become fat. Lose body fat and your insulin and blood sugar levels will improve.
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