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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Foods to Avoid For Diabetics - Tips For Diabetics

By now, you must have come to know that diabetes is a chronic condition. Scientists and medical experts are up to their eyeballs looking for the ultimate cure for diabetes. While there are studies that appear to be promising, for now the only way to deal with diabetes is to control it, and controlling it involves making lifestyle changes and embarking on a dietary plan that is very well suited for diabetics. Knowing what kinds of food to eat is essential in controlling diabetes and avoiding its major complications.

The best foods for diabetics are those that are rich in fiber and low in unhealthy fat. Whole grains and vegetables are highly recommended, but other forms of carbohydrates must be avoided because they have high glycemic indexes, meaning, they can easily cause blood sugar levels to increase.

Diabetics need proteins in the diet, too, and these they can acquire from lean meat. Legumes and cheese are also recommended.

Processed foods, canned goods, potato chips, and other salty foods are also to be avoided as these can cause high blood pressure which can in turn worsen a diabetic case. Keep yourself away from butter, margarine, dairy products, chicken skin, and anything else that is high in saturated fat.

Eating fried fish or anything that is cooked in oil has to be limited if not totally forgone. Substitute fried foods with foods that are steamed, grilled or broiled because they are a lot healthier. Olive oil contains healthy fat and is therefore good for general heart health and in diabetes control.

Then of course, you must avoid drinking alcoholic drinks and smoking as these vices can trigger an increase in blood sugar levels.

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