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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How Can a Type 2 Sugar Diabetes Be Prevented?

Light type 2 diabetes sugar is a common type of diabetes. In type 2 diabetes sugar and the body does not produce enough insulin or cells ignore the insulin. Insulin is necessary for the body to use glucose energy.

When you eat food, put down the sugar and starch is glucose, which is infectious. Pre fire cell in the body. Insulin takes sugar from blood into cells. Once created, instead of glucose in the blood to cells can cause two problems. Once cells may be starved of energy. Over time, blood glucose levels can damage eyes, kidneys, nerves or heart.

They found diabetes frightening. But do not worry. Severe type 2 diabetes but who have diabetes can live long lives, health and happiness.

Jacobsen showed that when type 2 diabetes sugar ingested caffeine in coffee or other caffeine products are almost this production.

Consumption, caffeine also stimulates the hormone and running, brain neurotransmitter, adrenaline to increase blood sugar and caffeine, when used with white sugar, refined sugar, such as milk, artificial cream that many people put in their morning coffee will affect your blood sugar blood. In the long term will lead to the hypoglycemia. Replace refined sugar, caffeine or sugar can be a positive full integration for all type 2 diabetes sugar.

Appearing to presume that type 2 diabetes sugar should avoid these foods. And he must be planning to fight or the control of daily insulin levels. These studies found that heavy caffeine reduces insulin sensitivity - which can result in the final stretch up to 12 hours after ingesting the ultimate source of caffeine.

Dehydration is a common effect of drinking too much caffeine. Although you may think that you will receive many types of water in drinks and caffeine in the body in two ways dehydrates the cell body by increasing urination and inhibits dehydration. Secretion of insulin in the pancreas.

Which phenomena inhibition of insulin by dehydration shows the main function of the gland. Pancreatic this directly into the digestion water. Insulin inhibits the inflammation process of adaptation to dehydrate the body.

Secret Eating to CONTROL TYPE 2 DIABETES by the Natural Way

Although the control of type 2 diabetes sugar is clearly more complex than simply reducing or eliminating by the application of caffeine. Diabetes caused by food and body treatment. The wrong type of fat and drinking inhabit effective than genetics. The control type 2 diabetes sugar is to eat the right foods.

* Cinnamomum Cassia or Chinese cinnamon scented with cinnamon is a close relative. This is useful for diabetes is. Prevention and control of blood glucose and lipid levels.

* Improve circulation in small capillaries in the hands and feet. The immunity also flat rates for the sub-system and strengthen.

* Mulberry leaves are known to effectively help adjust the levels of blood sugar.

* Drinking tea can reduce absorption of sugar and carbohydrates. It is also a good source of anti-free radical substance, vitamin C and carotene.

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