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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Keys to Managing Type 2 Diabetes and Avoiding Infections!

A lot of people aren't aware they have type 2 diabetes because symptoms are insidious and threaten their health slowly. So, it is not surprising that when they experience a chronic cough and consult a physician, they are given a diagnosis of tuberculosis and diabetes. Or when they undergo a routine urinalysis they discover that they have a urinary tract infection or vaginitis and diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes has so much to offer in terms of diseases. Not only does type 2 diabetes predispose people to lethal cardiovascular, kidney and eye complications but to infections as well. While the development of a foot ulcer is a combination of destruction of nerves and blood vessels, and consequent infection and death of tissue, other infections are common. Diabetics are prone to develop pneumonia, tuberculosis, asymptomatic urinary tract infection, fungal vaginitis, dental caries and other infections.

Bacteria love to thrive in a sweet environment, which is actually what your blood is like if you are diabetic. And treating these problems takes more time and difficulty than in non-diabetics and at times end fatally.

The best way to prevent this scenario is to:

* lower your blood sugar levels to normal every day of your life
* consult a competent health care provider, (an endocrinologist or a family physician)
* get started on the right medication, a herbal supplement or a food supplement can be added
* stick to your diabetic diet, eat more vegetables and fruit,
* exercise, lose those unwanted pounds (kilograms), and
* avoid smoking

These are always the keys to managing type 2 diabetes and avoiding infections.

Here are important things to remember to avoid infections:

* visit your health care provider regularly. When you see him for a follow up, he will always request a routine urinalysis and blood count. So your check up will include screening for infections
* keep yourself and your environment clean
* take good care of your feet. Be sure they are always clean. Wear comfortable shoes. If you love pedicures take your own instruments and sanitize them before and after use. Choose a sanitary salon and tell your pedicurist not to cut deeply through the cuticles. Even small nicks can cause infection
* strengthen your immune system. Even if you follow your diet, multivitamins help your immune system. Make sure you have enough rest and sleep. And manage your stress
* stay away from infected people; avoid crowded and closed areas such as elevators or bars, especially during the flu season
* take care of your teeth; brush and floss after each meal and visit your dentist regularly.

These are simple and achievable steps to prevent infections when you have type 2 diabetes. It doesn't mean that you live an isolated life ... you can enjoy your social life and the things that you love but with some precautions.

It just takes simple common sense to be healthy; the rewards are great!

Type 2 diabetes slows down your body's ability to fight infection. Prevention and/or early treatment of infections can really prevent more serious complications. Most infections can be treated successfully but you must take notice of your symptoms early and contact your health care provider, especially if you have an elevated temperature.

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