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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Know Different Types of Diabetes

Diabetes in one of the most prevalent diseases in today's generation. With the changes in the eating habits, and unhealthy intake of junk foods a condition of kids to experience diabetes has set inside our culture. There were days were sugar complaints are usually prevalent among elders, but today there is no such restriction. Diabetes is generally addressed as the deficiency in the digestive hormone, the insulin or recently a few discoveries show that though insulin is present in a good amount the cells have the inability to acquire them. Both these conditions lead to diabetes. As diabetes causes problems in the metabolic rate, it is called as the metabolic disease.

Causes for Diabetes

Diabetes is caused mainly due to the overweight factor. Parents consider that kids who are obese are very chubby and healthy. This is a very wrong notion that people should change their mind. The obese factor is one of the main factors to cause diabetes and blood pressure at later ages or even at an early age. These further leads to heart attack and further absorbs more diseases. Intake of more food and protein content will result in unnecessary accumulation of energy, which would again be a metabolic problem. The other major cause for diabetes is heredity. We cannot have any control over this particular cause. It is natural that a son might have diabetes if his grandfather or father has. Depending on how the genes pass on to the child the diabetes gets more prevalent. It is said that diabetes due to heredity cause could be very easily avoided if we are cautious about the food we eat. There are many available precautions that one should take to avoid the diabetes that passes on through heredity.

Control Diabetes

The best way to control diabetes is to look forward to stop eating the bad food, like junk and refined food available today. The civilization has changed the eating lifestyle of people and this gets a much more problem in the digestion and damage of the pancreas. It is always advisable to take drugs only with the recommendation of a physician. Intake of drugs that is not good for body will damage your pancreas. Damage to the pancreas will lead to slow secretion of insulin and this again leads to lower metabolic rate and hence diabetes.

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