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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Instantly Identify Diabetes Symptoms and Prevent Complications


Diabetes is a state where insulin is not created by the body (or insulin is not accepted by the cells) and the body is not capable of processing the glucose in the blood appropriately.

The reaction of the body to excess sugar in the blood is to get rid of it throughout urination. Recurrent urination with great volumes of urine is one of the characteristic diabetes symptoms, along with extreme thirst, famine and weight loss. Even with an increased ingestion of water, dehydration can also take place. As excess sugar builds up in the blood, the cells can befall starved for energy since instead of the sugar traveling to the cells, they stay in the blood. Hungry cells causes an exhausted body in addition to a hungry body. In spite of an increased craving, weight loss occurs for the reason that the cells are not getting the nutrition they call for and the sugar, together with its calories, is being eliminated with the urine rather than being taken by the body.


There are a number of theories to this, but some surgeons believe it is directly related to being obese. It is held that being obese is a causal factor in type 2 diabetes. If you show diabetes symptoms and are overweight, you better get your blood sugar level checked.

Studies results have also shown that the inception of diabetes can be reduced if there is an appropriate weight management. At times, patients suffering from this illness do not show any diabetes symptoms. The key with diabetes is to maintain blood glucose within the range of 80-180 mg/dl. When blood glucose is lower or higher than this range, serious health problems may appear.

Although there is no clear clue about the connection between the onset of diabetes and the age, most people over 60 years old exhibit diabetes symptoms. Physicians must deal with this on a case-to-case basis at the same time as considering lifestyle, age, and the readiness of the individual to take part in any treatment system.

There is new investigation for diabetics that has helped lots of people like you to gradually but very efficiently decrease their blood glucose levels.


Statistics show that the United States is home to more than twenty million children and adults suffering from diabetes. They calculate that approximately a third of them are unconscious that they have diabetes. That is above six million undiagnosed cases of the illness. The difficulty with diagnosing diabetes is that the signs often begin little by little. Diabetics with type 2 diabetes average a number of years before they are finally diagnosed. Every so often the doctor makes the diagnosis based on the complications of diabetes rather than the diabetes symptoms themselves. For instance, vision tribulations, sores that will not heal, numbness in the feet and legs, and heart disease often prompt the doctor to infer diabetes.

Other diabetes symptoms can include blurred vision, dry or itchy skin, dry mouth, vaginal yeast infections, male impotence, inexplicable aches and pains, urinary tract infections, sores that do not heal well, recurring infections and genital itch. Ultimately, eyes, nerves, kidneys and the heart can befall injured due to high sugar levels in the blood.


Type 1 diabetes tends to happen upon rapidly with the typical symptoms of recurrent urination, excessive thirst and tiredness, while type 2 diabetes arrives more slowly, frequently over the course of several years. This fact has encouraged the medical society to recommend regular testing for people above 45 years of age. Risk factors that are considered are weight, age, and family history of diabetes, among others.

Whether the above symptoms are present or not, it never hurts to pay a yearly visit to your doctor. And also, to learn more of what everybody needs to know about the diabetes symptoms.

JOSE TALAVERA - Health advisor. Diabetes expert, consultant and author. If you like this article, please visit the web site below for more advice and resources for diabetics:

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Blogger Pooja said...

Diabetes is a very common disease. It occurs in any individuals irrespective of age. There are many signs and symptoms of diabetes. A general blood glucose test is carried out for detecting diabetes. Frequent urination is the primary symptom. Weight loss, fatigue, exhaustion, sores, skin infection, blurred vision etc. For more details refer signs and symptoms of diabetes

April 9, 2010 at 4:29 AM


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