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Thursday, January 14, 2010

What Causes Diabetes - The Role That Lifestyle Choices Play in the Disease

Although there can be multiple reasons for developing diabetes type 2, most commonly, what causes diabetes are poor lifestyle choices. Of course, genetic predisposition plays a part, but the diet that we choose to eat and the activity level we keep up are, typically, the most significant factors in determining the onset of this disease. Not to be confused with diabetes type 1, type 2 usually develops later in life, rather than someone being born with the condition. Therefore, it is clear that the way we choose to live our lives plays an important role in causing and, thus, preventing this disease.

Diabetes type 2 is characterized by insulin resistance. This means that the body is no longer able to recognize the insulin that the body is producing and, thus, is unable to respond appropriately by delivering glucose to the body's cells in order for them to function properly. Conversely, people with diabetes type 1 are typically born with an inability to produce insulin, or else develop it early on in life due to complications with their autoimmune system. Although both conditions have a similar name, this distinction shows that what causes diabetes is quite different depending on which type with which you are dealing. Therefore, they are both treated and managed quite differently as well.

A strong genetic link has been found in those with diabetes type 2. However, many people question whether this link has more to do with environment rather than inherent genes. Instead, many choose to focus on other risk factors as possibly being what causes diabetes. Some of these characteristics are things like high blood pressure and high blood fat levels. Interestingly, these 2 conditions are often found in those with the other risk factors as well. These include a high fat diet, a high consumption of alcohol, and a sedentary lifestyle. All of these characteristics play an important role in one's weight. Therefore, being overweight also tends to be a defining characteristic of the disease.

However, the good news about the many possible causes of this condition is that, even if you have a history of diabetes in your family, you can do your best to prevent it. Also, if you are currently diagnosed, you can prevent it from worsening or, according to some, can even possibly cure it if you make certain changes to your lifestyle. No matter what causes diabetes, you can help manage the disease by making an effort to live a healthier life.

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Blogger Pooja said...

Many people are unaware how diabetes is caused. Diabetes occurs when pancreas does not secrete enough of the hormone insulin. The level of glucose increases the body. There are many causes of diabetes like some virus infection, exposure to food-borne chemical toxins, obesity, certain medicines like alloxan,
streptozocin, and thiazide. Diabetes is heredity in nature. For more details refer what causes diabetes

April 9, 2010 at 5:31 AM


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