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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Diabetics and Foods to Avoid

It was in 1981 when the University of Toronto professor, Dr. David Jenkins, completed a pioneering work that invaluably enriched the medical profession. He developed what is popularly known as Glycemic Index. The Glycemic Index established a ranking system for foods rich in carbohydrates on the basis of the length of time it takes for the digestive system to break these foods down.

On the one hand, there are carbohydrates that break down very slowly. They release sugar, or glucose, slowly to the bloodstream. This kind of foods rates low in the Glycemic Index. People with diabetes, especially those who are using insulin, are better off eating foods with low glycemic ratings or scores. Low glycemic foods allow medication or insulin to respond more effectively to blood sugar and make it possible for sugars or glucose to break down normally.

On the other hand, there are carbohydrates that rate high on the Glycemic Index. They allow blood sugar levels to rise rapidly. Although these foods help people to recover quickly from energy-sapping activities or those experiencing hypoglycemia, they are harmful for Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics. They render medication or insulin ineffective.

People should familiarize themselves with foods that rate high on the Glycemic Index. They include white rice like jasmine rice, corn flakes, baked potatoes and white breads. Diabetics, either of the 1 or 2 types, should avoid these foods.

Other foods that diabetics should avoid include white bread, pasta or anything mixed heavily with refined white sugar or white flour. Doctor often advise diabetics that avoiding foods that rate high on the Glycemic Index is avoiding anything white.

High glycemic foods normally take a much longer time to digest. Sugar, or glucose, remains in the bloodstream of diabetics for a long time because their systems are unable to process and absorb the amounts of flour and refined sugar taken in. These unprocessed compounds stay in the blood and urine, which lead to symptoms like frequent urination, feelings of thirst and hunger, along with profuse sweating.

These abnormalities are bound to put pressure on the normal functioning of a diabetic's sytems. Kidneys get to work overtime and may start to malfunction. Blood sometimes mixes with urine. In dire cases, patients may faint and lose consciousness. A far worse condition is falling into diabetic coma.

Both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics must always remember that foods with high glycemic ratings are harmful to them and should therefore be avoided. With a proper and healthy diet, regular monitoring of blood glucose levels, along with medication and insulin for more serious cases, diabetics can live full and happy lives.

Diabetes does not have to be a killer. It simply is an abnormal condition, which unfortunately afflicts many, that makes it difficult for human bodies to break starches and sugars down. Body systems have problems digesting these compounds normally. Thus diabetes can become dangerous to those who ignore what their physicians prescribe, eat harmful foods, and fail to monitor their blood sugar levels. Otherwise they should be able to contain the disease and lead long and normal lives.


Diabetes - What Pregnant Women Need to Know

Statistics coming from the American Diabetes Association indicate that more or less four percent of expectant mothers gets to experience gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes occurs when pregnant women who never have had diabetes before experience high blood sugar levels during their pregnancy, particularly at the latter period. Estimates put around 135,000 cases of pregnant women having gestational diabetes in the US every year.

Women who experience gestational diabetes are not likely to develop Type 2 diabetes. Gestational diabetes is occasioned by the inability of pregnant women to put into their system insulin which their bodies produce naturally. The pregnancy-related hormones they produce make them insulin resistant. It is under this condition that expectant mothers get to develop high levels of blood sugar, which is also known as hyperglycemia.

It is normal for women with gestational diabetes to be treated even while they are pregnant. Birth defects linked to gestational diabetes, or to diabetes contracted prior to pregnancy, are not usual. Thus there may no need for much concern for babies going through this condition. The problem, however, can arise when gestational diabetes is allowed to go on untreated. The mother has excess blood sugar, which means the unborn child is receiving more than her or his share of fat and energy. This condition can lead to macrosomia, or fat baby.

Regardless of how most people may think that being fat is indicative of the baby being healthy, a child who is too fat has problems when the time for his birth comes. He might be too big to fit through his mother's birth canal. Such a condition will almost always require delivery by cesarean section. Moreover, overweight babies often experience breathing problems and may eventually, if they stay obese, develop Type 2 diabetes themselves.

It is good, however, that treatment for gestational diabetes is readily available. Doctors normally prescribe doses of insulin for the mother to restore her blood sugar to normal levels. Women who want pregnancy can prevent having gestational diabetes by preparing for it physically. The physical regimen includes regular exercise, weight loss, and taking a healthy diet. Women who are planning for pregnancy should also find the Glycemic Index useful. The Glycemic Index helps people identify which foods to avoid to prevent diabetes or for diabetics to help them contain the disease.

Pregnant women need, and should follow, doctor's advice with respect to exercise and diet, particularly with regards to carbohydrate intake. Even before they get pregnant, women would always do well to consult their doctors on matters concerning their weight and on ways of preventing diabetes. Professional advice is important for women to avoid complications during their pregnancy.

A pregnant woman who gets a diagnosis for gestational diabetes, as well as her child, has little risks of developing Type 2 diabetes. Gestational diabetes can be treated easily and is not alarming. Pregnant women can access plenty of medical care for their condition. What they need to do is follow what their doctors say.

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Diabetes and Foot Problems

It is not unusual for people to associate diabetics with foot problems. Perhaps the reason for this is that foot problems are highly visible and easy to observe. Foot problems are also among the most common pernicious side effects of diabetes. Thus diabetics, more than anybody else, must threat their foot problems early enough as these complications can lead to graver conditions.

Foot problems caused by diabetes arise from what is called neuropathy. If unchecked for long periods of time, high blood sugar levels among diabetics take their toll on their central and other parts of the nervous systems. The most adversely affected among them are the nerves in the diabetics' feet. Nerves in the foot area are farthest from the patient's brain and are therefore most susceptible to damage. Diabetics can sometimes injure parts of their feet and feel no pain from it. Such an injury may worsen into wounds or blisters, and they heal very slowly, if they heal at all. When the wound becomes infected, more serious foot problems caused by diabetes are bound to follow.

Loss of sensation in the feet of diabetics as a result of nerve damage also often goes along with dryness of feet owing to the inability of the nerves to prompt secretion of oil in the area. Dryness causes the skin of the feet to peel or crack, which further make these body parts get easily sore and more prone to wounds or injuries.

High blood sugar levels hamper a person's ability to ward off infection. It is therefore important for diabetics with foot problems to treat their infection not in the way it is normally done by persons without diabetes. Foot problems caused by diabetes are very slow to heal and, when infected, the wounds can eventually degenerate to gangrene. If the condition further worsens, amputation becomes necessary.

Foot problems caused by diabetes often begin with a wound on the diabetics' toe. The wound cracks and bleeds. The wounded person treats the wound, applies bandage around it, and hopes it heals. The wound hardly heals and soon gets infected. He sees a doctor who proceeds to address the wound with antibiotics. In some cases the procedure may work, in other cases it may not.

In the likely case that the wound is not healed and gets infected, gangrene may set in. Doctors know that gangrene can be dangerous; it can pose serious threats on the lives of patients. Thus diabetics with serious foot complications are sometimes confronted with hard choices: lose either their life or their toe.

But in other cases the gangrene may have already spread to other parts of the foot. This is aside from the fact that the amputated toe exposes itself to more risks of infection. Thus there are cases when a diabetic person loses not only his toe but also his whole foot. The malady can continue until he ends up losing his leg too.

There is no need to frighten diabetics with these pieces of information, after all, having the disease is dire enough. What needs to be emphasized here is the sense of urgency that diabetics must have when treating their condition, particularly with respect to foot problems caused by the disease. Losing a leg, foot or toe is not necessary. But diabetics must manage their ailment well so that they may succeed in maintaining a blood sugar level that will allow them to ward off infection and neuropathy. The key is for them to follow instructions prescribed by doctors helping them treat their disease.

Common prescriptions for diabetics include avoiding carbohydrate-rich foods, such as those rich in sugars and starch. Diabetics will find the Glycemic Index useful in determining which foods are harmful for their condition and should, therefore, be avoided. They also need to exercise regularly and maintain their body weight. This helps them energize their immune system. Finally, diabetics need to regularly consult their doctors. They must also monitor their blood sugar levels regularly. It is best for them to keep monitoring ledgers and share them with their physicians who should find the information useful when they prescribe medication or insulin. All of these pointers should help diabetics get away from the many complications that unfortunately threaten them endlessly.

Diabetics need not die from their disease. Glycemia is dangerous and can be lethal, but it can be managed. If you or anyone dear to you suffers from this disease, seek the help of your physician and follow what he or she prescribes.


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Diabetic Cookies - Healthy Yet Delicious Dessert Tips For Diabetes Sufferers

People used to think that being diagnosed with diabetes meant they would have to cut all their favorite foods out of their life. There would be no more cakes, chocolate, sumptuous desserts, ice creams or cookies. Doctors now understand the disease much better and there has been a lot of diabetes research done. Diabetic patients are now able to enjoy desserts made with a very small amount of sugar. There are many diabetic cookbooks available these days, containing many dessert recipes which contain either a small amount of sugar or a sugar substitute. Diabetic patients can enjoy making and eating these dishes without feeling guilty about ignoring their doctor's advice or taking the risk of making their disease worse.

Just about everybody loves cookies, so why should a diabetic miss out on such good eating? You can make diabetic cookies with a small amount of sugar, brown sugar or a sugar substitute. There are plenty of websites with diabetic-friendly cookie recipes, as well as many cookbooks. Examples of what you can make include rice krispie cookies, high fiber cookies, peanut cookies, soft cookies, marshmallow cookies, sugar-free cookies, almond cookies and there are literally hundreds of other kinds too. With a bit of imagination, you can alter them to your match your personal tastes exactly and have fun experimenting with spices and flavors.

Nearly all the diabetic cookie recipes you will find on the internet are completely free. Expert dieticians who understand diabetes well have put these recipes together to make them healthy, delicious and diabetes-friendly. The recipes tell you how many calories there are per cookie and how much sugar. Many of the recipes are high in fiber as well as being low in sugar. People who have tasted such cookies will gladly confirm that there is no compromise on taste. They do not taste much different to traditional cookies which are usually very high in both sugar and calories.

Doctors treating diabetic patients do not recommend cutting sugar completely out of your diet any more. Rather, they advise that a controlled diet plan is followed and low sugar or sugar-free desserts should be eaten in small quantities. If you need to stick to your diet but have a sweet tooth and fancy something delicious, these special recipes are ideal to satisfy your craving without ruining your special diet and guarantee to contain only the permissible levels of sugar allowed or less.

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I Have Cured My Type 2 Diabetes - A1c Around 5 and Normal Reading in the Low 80's and No Meds!

I was diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes about 10 years ago. At first I just listened to my doctors that told me there was no cure for diabetes and I could treat my diabetes with diet, exercise and pills and live a normal life. The Doctors sent me to Diabetic schools, one that taught us what Diabetes is and how best to treat and live with it. Another doctor taught nutrition, mostly low fat eating and the best way to eat as a Diabetic.

One of the things the schools taught me was that Type 2 Diabetes is a progressive disease and things would continue to get worse and worse, so they would continually changes my medications.

Just like the doctors said, as the years went on, my blood sugar went up and up so they increased my meds. Not Satisfied with what I was taught at the schools I went to, I set out to do my own research. Things I learned were a bit scary, like all the drugs have bad side effects, even death as they kill off organs. That once you reach the limit (Maximum Dose) of one drug they have to switch to another drug until it is no longer useful. They keep this up until they run out of drugs to switch to. This usually happens in 1-20 years. Then there is not much they can do.

I also learned that any blood sugar reading over 140 is harmful and that an average reading of 139= an A1C test of 6.9 that is why you want your A1C under 7.

And that Diabetes has horrible side effects that include but not limited to:

* Blindness
* Kidney Failure
* Liver Failure
* Amputations
* Stokes
* Nerve Damage
* Heart Attacks
* Death

If you can keep your blood sugar under 140, your A1C under 7 and keep an active life style you should be fine for a while. But time and Diabetes march on and you can end up with these complications, unless you die from something else before they set in. So the way I see it, the only way to not get any of these complications or dying a slow horrible death was to get rid of this debilitating disease that they said has no cure.

For the last 10 years or more I started reading anything I could on diabetes. I found out that a cure was developed and our government paid them 30 million dollars to keep if off the market. People are being cured of type 2 diabetes every day.

After 10 years of research and many interviews with many doctors and healthcare professionals I have finally cured my diabetes.

What do I mean by "I Cured My Diabetes?" Before I was cured, here is what I had.

After 10 years and eventually reaching my Maximum Dose of Glyburide and Glucophage (metformin) plus Lisinopril for High Blood pressure and Lovastatin for high cholesterol here is where I was at:

* I had Morning mg readings of 220-250mg. I have what is called the Dawn Syndrome, which means my blood sugar reading was high in the mornings (dawn) and would come down during the day.
* Daily I would get my mg down to about 110-120mg
* My A1C tests were around 6.7 to 7.4 (testing twice a year)
* My blood Pressure was around 140' over 90's.
* My Cholesterol was in the 300's
* I tired easily. I had bad days where I just did not feel like doing anything,
* I had low days where my mg was below 70 and I felt real light headed and faint.

Remember all this is while taking the maximum allowable drugs.

Now that I am cured here is where I am.

* Morning reading of 80s-90s
* Daily reading around under 100
* Average reading a round 90
* A1C of around 4.7 - 5
* Blood pressure of 120's over 70's
* Cholesterol in the 200s

All this without any drugs, no meds of any kind, and with out eating a restrictive diet. I eat a normal healthy diet. I don't workout at gyms or even a home gym, which would be beneficial to overall health, but I am active. Now I have a lot of energy.

I am not a Doctor or health care professional in anyway, but with those numbers, I believe it would be hard for anyone to test me and say I have Diabetes. I may still have the underlying cause (I don't know) but, any complications I have will be minimized and I should be able to live a full healthy life.

The best part is, not only did I cure my Diabetes, but my wife, my sister and a couple of friend's have also cured their Diabetes with the information from When Health Matters.

UPDATE: Now that I am cured I am eating a normal good healthy diet, at least most of the time, but I do still indulge on things like pancakes, pizza and fried Shrimp! It is so good to be able to eat again.

UPDATE 6-15-08: I had to change my morning and daily reading as for the last month or so I have been in the 80;s morning and afternoons. My condition just keeps getting better.

I know I have not found a cure for all diabetics but for me I have found the correct combination. If you are type 2 and want to improve your health and maybe eliminate all your signs of diabetes then please go to my website. I have dedicated it to improving health and eliminating Diabetes.

PS: I am not a slick salesman or a real author with huge publisher behind me, I am just a truck drive that cured his diabetes.but I feel this information is invaluable and anyone that has diabetes or knows anyone with diabetes should get this information.

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Diabetes Mellitus Symptoms

There are many people who are not able to detect diabetes mellitus symptoms. Symptoms should be detected in the early stage, otherwise a person may develop serious health problems. It is advisable that you do not take diabetes lightly. Generally diabetes mellitus symptoms are very hard to detect and they cannot be identified at the early stage.

If a person has diabetes mellitus then there are no noticeable changes seen externally. Symptoms do not generally cause pain because the disease is working in the background. If the symptoms remain undetected for a longer period of time, a person has to face some serious consequences. Immediate change to ones diet is the first step in treatment.

No person can cope with diabetes on their own. If a person shows up any diabetes mellitus symptoms then it is always advisable to consult a doctor as soon as possible. If these symptoms are left and no precautions are taken then a person can easily develop some heart and kidney diseases. Even blindness may occur if proper precautions and medications are not taken on time.

The amount of sugar in the body is controlled by the insulin which is released from the pancreas. Whenever people drink or eat the food, it gets converted into materials which include sugar. Sugar is very necessary for the body to function and for energy. Sugar stimulates the pancreas which is absorbed by the bloodstream in order to produce insulin. Sugar also enters the cells from the blood with the help of the insulin.

Once the sugar reaches into the cells it gets converted into energy. This energy can be stored by the body or can be used immediately. When the body fails to produce enough insulin, the sugar is not able to move to the cells, this can lead to diabetes. Whenever the body fails to produce enough insulin sugar in the blood increases and cells get inadequate amount of sugar. This malfunction in the body creates certain diabetes mellitus symptoms.

It is always advisable that regular visit to a doctor are very necessary for everyone. Regular visits to a doctor can help a person to see the signs of diabetes mellitus symptoms. People afflicted with diabetes can lead healthy, normal lives if proper precautions and medication is taken in the initial stage.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

How and Why to Start a Diabetes Control Diet

Type II diabetes happens when your body becomes resistant to the insulin you are creating. Easy to say, but what does that mean?

Insulin moves glucose (blood sugar) into the muscles and liver. It stores glucose in the liver as a dense carbohydrate called glycogen, which your body uses as a reserve of glucose for use between meals or during times of stress. Once the glycogen reserve is full (and it's a pretty small reserve), excess glucose in the liver is turned into triglycerides (fat), and moved into your fat tissue. Thus, an overload of carbohydrates makes your butt bigger. Ever had your doctor tell you that losing weight will help your diabetes risk factors go down?

When insulin is high, your body goes into 'savings mode', and hoards your excess blood sugar for storage as fat. When insulin is low, your body goes into 'spending mode', draining your fat supplies for energy.

So what's the point?

The result of diabetes is that the body's cells have become resistant to insulin (so your cells do not absorb glucose to burn). This is what causes diabetes sufferers to have enormous jumps in blood sugar: their blood sugar isn't properly utilized, so it just sits in the bloodstream until your body can figure out what to do with it.

Thus, your cells enter a 'starvation' mode (nothing for them to 'eat') even if the diabetic has recently eaten. The brain interprets the starving cells' signals as actual starvation, and releases signals that make a diabetic hungry, especially for carbohydrates - which would normally stimulate insulin production in a healthy person, resulting in your cells absorbing glucose for energy.

What modern doctors or pharmaceutical companies do not often discuss, however, is that your body can burn fat as well as sugar (in fact, your body prefers it - your body gets as much energy from a pound of fat as it does from six and a half pounds of sugar!). The chemistry of fatty-acid metabolism is too complex to get into here, but the result for diabetics is this: if you can get your body to burn fat instead of glucose, you can stop relying on blood-sugar levels to maintain your body's energy supply.

Be careful.

The question for diabetics becomes: how do you start burning fat instead of glucose? The answer is simple: don't eat carbohydrates. This is a counterintuitive method of approaching a disorder wherein the biggest fear is death from a blood-sugar crash, but it works if you can get your body to make the switch from burning glucose to burning fat. This is done through a hormone called glucagon, which (along with several other hormones that are constantly pressuring your body to burn fat) triggers the fat-burning process and, as an added bonus, causes your body to turn its existing fat reserves into glucose (so even those parts of your body that require glucose, like the brain, don't require you to eat any carbohydrates).

Glucagon production, unfortunately, is suppressed by the presence of insulin in the blood. This means that diabetics are injecting the very substance that is keeping them from making the switch from glucose to fat! Of course, every diabetic knows that simply ceasing to inject insulin may be lethal. The trick is to make the switch slowly.

Each day, reduce the amount of carbohydrates you eat, starting by cutting out processed carbohydrates like sugar and flour, then, if you need to, other high-carb foods like potatoes (most people shouldn't need to). At the same time, go out of your way to eat more protein - lots more protein. Proteins turn into amino acids in your blood, and glucagon production is stimulated by high blood amino acid levels. As you do this, slowly lower your insulin levels. Over several months or even weeks, you can work your way entirely off of insulin.


Reverse Diabetes by Following Ten Simple Tips

Diabetes can be a real pain at times. However, there is a lot that one can do to minimize that pain. Everything a diabetic need is to get started properly with the things he must do to keep his disease under control.

The ten techniques I have discussed here are a major part of what excellent care for diabetes is all about. Other things need to be done as well, but if you follow through one these ten, whether you're the parent of a diabetic patient or diabetic yourself, the others will fall into place.

* The positive belief that what you're doing is helpful for you in the long-run. The power of positive thinking is an important tool that help diabetics to do everything knowing that their efforts will bear fruit in the form of a long and healthy life
* With modern methods available for management of the long term complications of diabetes, it's sad, unfortunate, and unnecessary for a patient with diabetes to lose his sight or his kidney function because he wasn't tested early. For every potential long-term complication due to diabetes, there is an excellent test or study that can discover it when it's still at a reversible stage.
* Diabetes is a "hot" disease right now, mostly because of the surge in cases of type 2 diabetes Diabetes journals that used to be thin are not thick with new information.Every day you will learn something new about diabetes. With proper knowledge diabetics can fight diabetes very easily.
* Careful management of the diet in diabetes has been shown repeatedly to lower the hemoglobin A1c by 1 percent or more. And every 1 percent drop in hemoglobin A1c causes a large decrease in the risk of micro vascular complications like retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy.
* The diabetics who do the most exercise gets least complications. Exercise has so many positive aspects to it and such a minimal downside that it should be your routine brushing teeth.
* Most of the time poor diabetic control has little to do with problems that are outside the control of the person with diabetes and has everything to do with not taking medications, not testing the blood glucose, not following a nutritional plan, and not exercising. There are all kinds of alarms and monitors you can set up to prompt yourself to take insulin.The bottom line is that the best treatments in the world are of little value if you don't use them.
* The eye is the one organ that allows doctors to see directly into the brain - what they see happening in the tissues of the eye is probably happening in the brain as well. Doctors have wonderful tools for viewing and photographing the eyes and for treating any damage that occurs to them. Make sure that you have yearly eye examinations from an eye doctor or optometrist. Abnormalities can be spotted early, and treatment preserves vision.
* Home testing of the blood glucose is a truly valuable tool that has made an enormous difference in the successful management of diabetes. It's truly amazing that you can know your blood glucose in 5 seconds with less than a drop of blood.
* One of the sad consequences of diabetes that should never occur is an amputation of the foot. Amputations are preventable, but they occur when relatively minor foot problems, especially ulcers of the foot, aren't caught and managed early. Ultimately, foot ulcers should never develop in the first place.
* Planning is the key if you're going to keep your diabetes under excellent control. Think about what you will be exposed to in advance, and smooth the way. Consider doing dry runs to prepare for potentially difficult situations. Practicing how you'll handle situations before they arise makes it a lot easier to function when you're faced with the real thing.


List of Foods For a Diabetic to Eat

Firstly I would like to state that I am diabetic and I find it very difficult to create a diabetic diet plan and find foods that are good for me to eat. However after I bought a couple of eBooks and did a lot of research I found the information I was looking for and now I am going to share it with you.

The recommended daily calories for someone with diabetes is usually around 1200-1800 calories and consists of 50%-60% carbohydrates 12%-20% protein and not more than 30% fats. Now that is just a basic outline of what your daily intake should be I will go in to more detail below.

Some must haves for people with diabetes are Alpha-lipoic acid this is like a vitamin and it helps enhance the glucose uptake and improves diabetes nerves damage.

Secondly we have Omega 3 which helps to protect against the hardening of arteries.

The last one I would like to recommend is artificial sweeteners obviously everyone who suffers from diabetes knows that sugar should be kept to a low level in your diabetic diet plan so you can use alternatives such as aspartame and saccharin.

Foods that diabetics should avoid are high fat foods this is a big no no as well as foods with a lot of sodium. As well as this you should restrict the amount of alcohol you intake if you can just do not drink alcohol at all as this can cause health problems like liver damage and increase the risk of heart disease.

Foods for diabetics:

Carbohydrates: Bran, oats, porridge
Fruit: apple, citrus, berries, peaches, pears, plum, and rhubarb.
Vegetables - cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, celery, cucumber, onions, lettuce, olives, peas, pepper spinach, broccoli and tomatoes.

Proteins: Vegetables - beans, lentils, millet, soybeans
Free range chicken and turkey (skinless)
Lean cut of meats - pork, veal, beef and lamb.
Free-ranged chicken eggs.

Fat: Vegetables oils - sesame, soybean, sunflower, Avocados,
Poultry: mackerel, tuna, herrings and salmon.
Unsaturated margarine

Ensuring you know what you should and should not eat if you suffer from diabetes is essential in keeping diabetes under control and having a good diabetic diet plan is part of this.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Flax Seed - Good News For Diabetics

Diabetics on the lookout for a dietary supplement to ease the symptoms of the metabolic disorder can find a healthy option in flax seed, whether in its whole, ground or oil form. Flax seed endeavors a holistic nourishment being enriched with omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, dietary fibers, vitamins and minerals.
Considering that diabetes mellitus affects the body's metabolic functions, particularly impairing the sensitivity of muscle cells to insulin, flax seed is also an excellent nutritional complement to the maintenance of insulin-sensitizer drugs.

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Blood Sugar Testers - How to Regulate the Amount of Glucose in Your Blood

Blood sugar testers are particularly important for people who are suffering from diabetes to enable them to regularly monitor their blood sugar levels. It is more advantageous to monitor your blood sugar levels in your own home and to then be alerted to the high levels rather than visiting your doctor. Based on the range of the blood sugar provided by the doctor, you can see when you have exceeded that range and also if you are below the minimum level, all with the help of a blood sugar tester.
The main goal of these testers is to keep your blood sugar level within the non-diabetic levels. Keeping a regular track of your blood sugar levels can prove to be lifesaving especially when you have a tendency to consume irregular amounts of sugar.
Patients who are suffering from type 2 diabetes can benefit the most from blood sugar testers. Type 2 diabetes is actually a metabolic syndrome where the body is no longer able to control the amount of blood sugar with the amount of insulin produced by beta cells because of the strong resistance that has been developed to insulin. This resistance causes the liver and the muscle cells to release an uncontrolled amount of glucose into the blood.
The blood sugar testers test the amount of glucose that has not made it to your cells and is still there in the blood stream. People who are over the age of 40 and have sedentary lifestyles are more prone to develop type 2 diabetes. Moreover, this disease's symptoms are not very visible during the early years and are often confused with the normal symptoms of aging.
It is absolutely necessary for people who suffer from this type of affliction to regularly control their blood sugar levels, because the symptoms alone are not enough to show whether a person is suffering from diabetes. To maintain your blood sugar, it is necessary to stick to a balanced diet and regular exercise. Eating junk food can make your blood sugar levels shoot up. Try to have a balanced food intake, high in the carbohydrates that are digested slowly, like beans, vegetables, and fruits.
You should also try to regulate the amount of sucrose that you ingest by avoiding the intake of manufactured foods, such as bread, processed meats, candies, pastries, and soft drinks.
Blood sugar testers are easily available on the market in this day and age. The ascencia glucose monitors are considered to be the most effective and they only take a very little amount of blood from your finger, causing less pain. Due to this fact, you can easily have frequent tests using these monitors. Most blood sugar testers take a drop of blood from your finger and then place it on a card to get the blood sugar levels.
You must follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer, such as washing your hands before the test, collecting the required amount of blood, and reconducting the test if the reading seems inaccurate. You should also try to keep your meter clean so as to obtain the most accurate results.

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