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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Top Warning Signs of Diabetes

Diabetes often goes undiagnosed because most of its signs are not very harmful. Most of the signs of type 1 and 2 diabetes are the same. As in both cases there is an excess amount of sugar in the blood and an insufficient amount of sugar in the cells, where actually it is required.

In type 1 increased level of glucose in the blood is the outcome of the destruction of insulin producing cells. In type 2 diabetes high glucose level occurs when cells of the body become resistant to produce insulin.

In both types the cells are not getting the required amount of glucose and the body tries to inform you for this by giving different signs which has been mentioned here.

Recurrent visits to the Bathroom: One has to urinate more when there is an excessive amount of glucose in the body. If insulin is not effective or is not there then the kidneys are unable to filter the glucose back to blood. They then become over reactive and attempts to extract more water from the blood to dilute the glucose. This is the reason that bladder is fuller and one has to make recurrent visit to the bathroom.

Feeling Thirsty: If somebody has the feeling that he is more thirsty than usual then it can also be the sign of diabetes. The reason is that when kidney are demanding extra water from the blood and he is frequently going to the rest room, he may feel the need to drink more water to substitute the one being expelled.

Weight Loss: This sign is more prevalent in those who have type 1 diabetes than the ones with type 2. As in type 1 pancreas is unable to make insulin due to a viral attack. The body is not getting enough energy from the cells. To fulfill this deficiency the body starts to break down the fat cells and muscle tissues for energy and that results in a rapid weight loss.

Tiredness: It is again due to glucose. Glucose in the food which we take goes into the blood where there should be insulin to help it out. The cells use this glucose to produce energy. But when there is not enough insulin the cells also do not react to it. The glucose is then not entered into the blood. The cells become energy deficient and the diabetic feel run down and tired.

Numbness in Feet, Hands or Legs: This sign appears gradually over time and is called neuropathy. The reason behind this is that the consistent levels of high glucose levels in the blood destroy the nervous system. This destruction can be controlled by having a proper control on blood sugar levels.

The high glucose in the body also results in blurred vision, itchy skin, cuts and infections that take a longer time to heal.

If you notice any of the above sign in yourself or your child, schedule an appointment with the doctor and gather as much information as you can. As only proper knowledge and better understanding of diabetes can help you in fighting the battle against it and even reverse it.


Giving First Aid to a Diabetic

What to do when you encounter a diabetic in trouble

Occasionally a First-Aider or person with no experience of First-Aid may encounter another person on the street suffering from the effects of either Hyperglycaemia or Hypoglycaemia. The symptoms suffered during a diabetic emergency.

As a person who wants to help in this situation, it is important to have a little basic knowledge of a diabetic's condition.

Hyperglycaemia is the result of high blood sugar. The symptoms are rapid breathing, vomiting, drowsiness, abdominal pain, sweet-smelling breath, frequent urination and in extreme cases, unconsciousness.

1. Give the person a drink - without sugar - for hydration purposes.
2. Call emergency services and stay with them.
3. Check their vital signs every ten minutes. Pulse rate, response level (talk to them and ask them simple questions) and check their rate of breathing.

Hypoglycaemia is the result of low blood sugar. Symptoms are often first observed as shaking or muscle spasms, disorientation, pale, clammy skin and sometimes aggressive behaviour.

Often, in both cases the person may be able to tell you what they need. They are the one with the experience. They live with it everyday.

1. Give the person something sweet to eat or drink e.g. boiled sweet or chocolate. Fruit juice or even a fizzy drink (soda) is good enough to help raise the blood sugar. Often, when the person drinks or eats something sweet, improvement can be observed within a minute or two.

2. If symptoms persist, call emergency services and stay with them. Talk to them and check their vital signs every ten minutes. Breathing, is it still too rapid? Pulse, is it slowing or still pounding away?

3. Check their level of awareness. Do they appear conscious of their surroundings, can they respond to your simple questions without confusion?

Remember, if you encounter somebody who needs first aid and you know you can help, then always do it with absolute confidence. Be firm with bystanders. While you attend to the patient firmly ask another responsible bystander to call an ambulance - make sure that they actually do this.


Where to Find Useful Diabetes Information to Control the Disease

Diabetes Mellitus is a disease that is least understood by the common masses. There are also a whole lot of fabricated tales about it, which makes things even more confusing. In this article, we give you detailed information on all aspects of diabetes, so that you come to understand it far better.

How is diabetes caused?

Diabetes is actually a metabolic disorder wherein the body feels an acute lack of the energy-producing hormone, insulin. Insulin, which is produced by cells in the pancreas, break down the food we eat and convert it into energy, which helps us carry on our daily activities.

Sometimes, this insulin is either deficient due to some autoimmune disorder in the body or because of the body's own capacity to absorb the amount present in it. Either way, the body fails to generate the energy automatically and slowly starts breaking under the strain of it all.

Here are some things to note about diabetes and what it is:

* Firstly, most of us tend to think that diabetes is caused by a wrong lifestyle and / or eating habits. It is important to understand that the above does not directly cause this disorder, though they could be contributing factors for the same. So this is not exactly related to diet or your daily habits.

Hyperglycemia or the presence of excess sugar in the body is the prime indicator of diabetes, but this need not necessarily be caused by sugar intake. In fact, it could well be your excess fat intake that could be the cause of your diabetes.

* People often tend to buckle under the false impression that one has to completely cut off sugar if one suffers from diabetes. The fact, though, is that one should have a moderate amount of sugar, so as to include all food varieties in one's meal. Discuss with your doctor as to how much sugar is ideal for you.

* Eating fruits is not necessarily counter-effective to your diabetes medication. While there are certain fruits such as mangoes, grapes and avocados that are totally loaded with calories and carbohydrates, there are yet others that are quite harmless and actually bestow great benefits on the body. Apples and citrus fruits are best for you if you are suffering from diabetes.

* As concerns vegetables, green leafy vegetables are the best for you, as they are a rich source of Vitamin B and Vitamin C, which naturally contain calorie-reducing properties. Potatoes and corn are best avoided, though.

* Another common concern is that one cannot have carbohydrates in one's diet. They supply tremendous energy to the body. It is not recommended to avoid them altogether from your diet. Ask your doctor to prescribe the ideal diet for you - one in which you can also include carbohydrates.

* Taking Aspirin is considered harmful for diabetics. But a recent body of research claims that this is actually good in moderation, as Aspirin prevents thickening of the arteries, hence reducing chances of heart attacks to that extent. But this medicine also has many undesirable side effects, so it is most advisable to have a word with your physician before consuming the same.

We hope the diabetes information we provided you here helped educate you better on the disorder. Take care of yourself, keep under control and you will be able to live a full life in spite of diabetes!

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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Common FAQs on Diabetes Diagnosis - Its Time to Change Your Lifestyle Habits

Diabetes, in spite of being such a common disease, is still not understood properly. Most of us do not know the exact dimensions the disorder can take, if it goes out of control. Now we discuss certain FAQs on diabetes and its diagnosis.

What is Diabetes Mellitus?

Diabetes is a disorder wherein the sugar levels shoot up to an abnormal high. People suffering from this disease have an inability to convert the food they consume into energy. Usually, the food we take in is automatically broken down into glucose, which is supplied to all the cells of the body. This is what gives us the stamina to carry on actively until the next meal. Some cells in the pancreas convert this glucose into a hormone called insulin.

People can develop diabetes either because the pancreas cannot produce enough insulin or because the body cannot absorb it to its full extent. This, if not caught in time, can cause severe health problems later.

What is Type 1 Diabetes?

This type of diabetes, also referred to as juvenile diabetes, shows up in children, teenagers or those below their thirties. This is an autoimmune disorder, where the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin.

How about Type 2 Diabetes?

This form of diabetes surfaces during adulthood, mostly during middle age. Here, the insulin produced is not completely absorbed and used by the body. This causes diabetes to emerge.

Why do some pregnant women get diabetic?

This type of diabetes is referred to as gestational diabetes and develops somewhere in the second and third trimesters. Most of the time, this disappears on its own after childbirth, but it may resurface at a later point in time.

What is pre-diabetes?

This is a kind of 'wake-up call' for diabetes, so to speak! Here, the sugar levels are not high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes. However, such people have a good chance of developing the disease within the next decade or so, if they is not extremely careful with their diet, weight, exercise and lifestyle habits.

How is pre-diabetes and diabetes diagnosed?

There are many tests that are performed to ascertain that aspect. They are as follows:

1. A fasting plasma blood sugar test can be taken, after some 8 hours have gone by without meals. 100-125mg/dL indicated pre-diabetes, whereas 126 and above indicates diabetes.

2. An oral glucose tolerance test is performed at fasting and 2 hours after having a glucose-containing beverage. 140-199mg/dL indicate pre-diabetes and 200 and above show diabetes.

3. A random plasma glucose test can be performed at any time of the day, irrespective of whether or not you have had your meals. While all the other above-mentioned tests can diagnose both pre-diabetes and diabetes, this can be used only to diagnose diabetes, not pre-diabetes. Random blood sugar tests are done only on the basis of diabetes symptoms. If the blood sugar levels is 200mg/dL or more, diabetes is confirmed.

4. Gestational diabetes is diagnosed if the fasting sugar is 95 or higher and sugar registers a count of 180 or higher at 1 hour, 155 or higher at 2 hours and 140 or higher at 3 hours.

The above is the standard method of diabetes diagnosis. To make extra sure of the accuracy of the results, you can also repeat the first two tests on a different day.

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All You Should Know About Diabetes Care

Diabetes, though a very common condition the world over today, is often a lesser understood disease, shrouded by many myths and fears. The very name, 'diabetes', instills an untold fear in most people's minds. But the fact is, that it is can be brought under control easily and maintained that way, provided one takes adequate care. So what dies diabetes care involve and what it your own role in it, as a diabetic?

The most important factor - YOU!

First and foremost, you should understand that YOU AND ONLY YOU are responsible for regulating your disorder. The kind of lifestyle you lead, your food habits, your mental attitude and how strict you are with your treatment, all these go into making your care more effective. The more positive your outlook, the lesser trouble the disorder will give you!

Team of professionals

There are many General Physicians (GPs) who are very competent in handling your treatment by themselves. But there might be times when you may need a team of healthcare professionals to back you. This team will conduct a thorough checkup and then advice you on further course of action.

1. The Primary Team

If you are new to diabetes, the best place is a local clinic specializing in diabetes. Juvenile diabetics, on the other hand, are taken care of by hospital-based teams.

The supporting team will comprise the following:

* The Practice Nurse is one who has completed extra training and performs a regular routine check on you.

* A District Nurse visits people in the mornings, performs a test and also gives a shot of insulin if necessary.

* A Health Visitor is more or less like the Practice Nurse, but visits you in your own home.

* The Dietitian helps you regulate your diet and weight in accordance with your disease.

* A Chiropodist does a regular foot check, as it is a very vital indication to diabetes.

* An Optometrist performs an annual check on your eyes, so as to rule out a chance of disorder in the eyes.

* The Pharmacist can advice you on the right medication to be taken for your disorder. Of course, you should ideally rely on the doctor's advice.

2. Diabetes hospital teams

A hospital team specializing in diabetes will house the following:

* Diabetes Specialist Nurses give you all the required information you may have about your disorder - how to adjust your dosage, what kind of syringe you can use, how you can inject yourself and so on. These highly experienced professionals work with the primary team and so, will be able to give you the right advice on your condition.

* Consultants look through the patient's history, performs checkups and also advice the GP about the treatment, changes if required and so on.

* Ophthalmologists in hospitals use state-of-the-art instruments, so they can immediately catch an eye disorder before it has a chance to create serious future problems for you!

Diabetes care has advanced by leaps and bounds today. Do take advantage of that and keep a close watch on yourself through the course of your treatment. That is the way to lead a fuller, richer life, in spite of diabetes!


Is There a Permanent Cure For Diabetes? Controlling and Handling the Disease

Diabetes is one of the most insidious disorders that has now been taking gigantic proportions and is affecting more and more people across the globe. What makes this disease so difficult to handle is that mild, borderline diabetes might sometimes go totally unnoticed, as the patient reveals no symptoms whatsoever, sometimes, over a period of many years. Finally when it does show up, it gets most difficult to treat and cure. Now the question here is, "Is there something such as a permanent cure for diabetes"?

Conducting a test

Once you cross your mid-40s, it is advisable to get a thorough medical checkup done on yourself, especially the diabetes test - all the more so if you have a family history of the same. A test for diabetes reveals whether or not you are suffering from the disease. Drink a glass of glucose water, wait for a couple of hours and then get a fasting blood glucose test done. This test should ideally be repeated every year. In case your blood glucose levels are found to be 200 mg/dL or higher, you would be diagnosed as a diabetic.

Is there a cure for the disorder?

The answer, sadly, is no. Diabetes is not a disorder that can be cured completely. However, the good news is that it can be brought well under control and kept that way for life! Many diabetics have been living perfectly active, healthy lives. So can you, if you strictly follow your physician's instructions.

The key to lead a good life in spite of living with the disorder is to control your blood sugar levels. This should be between the range of 90-130 mg/dL at fasting and lesser than 180 mg/dL a couple of hours after meals.

The honeymoon phase

In some cases, especially in those diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, patients do not need any medication or insulin shots to control their blood sugar levels for long periods of time, sometimes lasting as long as six months. This is called the 'honeymoon phase'. A word of caution - you should not consider yourself cured of the disorder. This is merely a phase. So continue with your checkups and be aware that it can definitely resurface anytime at all.

Controlling diabetes

Many people - almost 75% - with uncontrolled diabetes fall prey to cardiovascular disease, while as many as 30% suffer from acute myocardial infarction. Diabetes largely targets the heart's functioning. This disorder can double the risk of heart attack in men and triple it in the case of women. It is also responsible for causing major heart vessel blocks and thickening of the arteries. Elderly diabetics may suffer silent heart attacks, which can cause sudden death.

A diabetic can lead a perfectly normal life if he learns the right ways to handle the disease, thereby controlling his blood glucose, blood cholesterol and blood pressure levels. The key here is to eat right, exercise moderately everyday. It is also most advisable to completely give up smoking and drinking, especially in the case of overweight diabetics. Even if these measures do not end up being a cure for diabetes, they can go a long way in helping you enjoy your life to the fullest!

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Monday, September 15, 2008

What Exactly is Type 1 Diabetes?

Basically there are two types of diabetes. Typically Type 2 diabetes begins to show itself through adulthood and Type 1 diabetes can happen even during childhood. An additional type of diabetes, which is closely associated to type 2 diabetes, is known as gestational diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is also known as juvenile diabetes, it can happen when an individuals very own immune system ends up attacking itself. This occurs when the body's own immune system actually begins to attack and destroy the cells known as beta that an individuals body creates in the pancreas.

Diabetes Overview

The cause of diabetes is when an instability happens in the hormone insulin in an individuals body. For persons who are healthy, the pancreas secretes insulin in the right amounts for the type of food that the person consumes. The primary goal of this infusion of insulin is to assist in putting specific nutrients, particularly glucose, into the cells in the body. The persons system ends up using these nutrients as fuel for everyday tasks in a healthy person.

At this point, the quantity of glucose contained within the blood is decreased since the cells are loaded with nutrients. When this happens, an individuals beta cells will be given notice in the persons pancreas that they have to lessen the quantity of secreted insulin.

The helps keep an individual away from becoming hypoglycemia, which is also referred to as low blood sugar. Nevertheless, within a an individuals body that has type 1 diabetes these beta cells are destroyed. When this event happens, it throws an individuals body into complete disarray. When a person has type 2 or also referred to gestational diabetes, however, the reasons behind it are different.

Type 1 Diabetes

Typically individuals that are impaired with type 1 diabetes find that they have this disease prior to age 20, although it can happen at any age. Even though this type of disease is relatively not as common as some other types of diseases, it does happen to a great amount of individuals. Sadly, no one actually knows the cause of type 1 diabetes, or not the exact cause.

Nevertheless, it is clear that, at a minimum, a basic tendency toward this disease is genetics. It should be noted that there can be environmental causes at work here that make an individual more apt to this disease. It appears to happen when something in the environment, possibly a virus, invokes an individuals immune system to attack their own pancreas to the point where the individual is unable to create insulin in a correct way. This appears to confuse a persons body and is not curable when it ends up as type 1 diabetes.

The signs and symptoms for all the different types of diabetes can have numerous different things. A variety of them are hardly noticeable while others might make living life that is normal very challenging. Some of these signs and symptoms tend to incorporate an increased level of thirst, a higher level of appetite even after a meal is eaten, abdominal pain. unexplained weight loss, nausea, blurred vision, exhaustion, and excessive urination.


Natural Diabetes Control - Is it Possible to Control Diabetes Using A Natural Herbal Supplement?

Many people with diabetes are looking for effective methods of natural diabetes control. Diabetes is a difficult disease to manage, even with medication. Prescription medications don't always work, and they often have unpleasant side effects that make it difficult to take them for the long-term. However, without treatment, diabetes can be a life-threatening condition. That's why so many patients become dependent on prescription medications for life.

However, there are several effective ways to control diabetes naturally. Herbal treatments are among the most popular of these methods. Natural treatments typically have no side effects and can be just as effective as prescription medications at controlling the symptoms of this disease. In some cases, natural remedies have corrected the cause of the disease in certain people, bringing lasting relief without further treatment.

One of the most well-known herbal treatments for diabetes is ginseng. North American ginseng, in particular, is renowned for its ability to control blood sugar levels. Cinnamon is also an effective herbal treatment. Clinical studies have shown that between one and six grams of cinnamon a day is effective in controlling fasting blood glucose levels. Yet another herb that is useful in controlling blood glucose levels is aloe vera, when it's used in gel form.

An herbal supplement that's gaining a lot of attention in the natural treatment of diabetes is a product called Glycogone. Glycogone is made from the extract of the Opuntia cactus, and has been proven to work fast at reducing blood sugar and improving insulin resistance. In fact, most studies have shown that it typically works within 14 days. The cactus extract is full of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that help control appetite and increase energy, which is a further benefit for diabetes patients, as many of them need to manage their weight better in order to improve their symptoms.

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What's the Cause of Diabetes Type 2?

If you or a family member has been diagnosed with diabetes Type 2, you probably have many questions. First of all, what's the cause of diabetes Type 2?

Diabetes Type 2 is the insulin-dependent form of the disorder. It is also known as adult onset diabetes because it is most often newly diagnosed in people over the age of 40. The pancreas, like many other parts of the body, works less well as it gets older.

In this form of diabetes mellitus, the pancreas somehow does not produce enough insulin. This could be caused by an injury to the pancreas. It also be may the result of Cushing's syndrome or other hormonal disorders.

There is evidence that insulin-independent diabetes is genetic. If a family member is diabetic, there is a strong chance you will also develop the disorder as you age. This may be also be related to lifestyles. An overweight person will pass on his or her eating habits to other members of the household.

Most often, however, the cause of diabetes Type II is overweight. If you eat too much, your pancreas cannot produce enough insulin to effectively handle the glucose you eat in your food.

Therefore, the best plan to treat your diabetes is to eat properly. Your doctor or dietician will recommend a diet to specifically meet your needs. In general, this diet will range from 800 to 1500 calories per day, depending on your weight and height.

In addition to following the diet, you should also eat small portions of carbohydrates at scheduled intervals each day. You should also avoid sweets and alcohol. Whole grain breads as well as vegetables are recommended.

Even though it may be a difficult adjustment, following your diet is essential. If you do not follow it, you may develop problems with your eyes, nerves, kidneys and feet. Some people have had to get their toes, feet or legs amputated because of poor diabetic control. There is increased risk of heart attack or stroke.

Unlike insulin-dependent (or Type 1) diabetes, diabetes type 2 is relatively easy to control. Often the condition resolves itself once the patient loses enough weight.

No matter the cause of diabetes type II, you can lead a full and normal life if you take care to follow your treatment plan. With today's emphasis on healthy eating, this is easier than ever. Why not have your family follow your diet with you?
