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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Gaining Control of Your Diabetes

Step One:
The first way that one can control diabetes is through the use of insulin. There are several different forms in which insulin can be administered. If you suffer from this condition, it is important to work closely with your doctor in order to determine which form of insulin will assist you, and the symptoms that you suffer from the most. The doctor will consider your body's unique response rate when it comes to the absorption of insulin, how often you check the level of sugar in your blood, lifestyle choices that you make day to day, your comfort level with injections, as well as your age. Forms of insulin include those that release insulin rapidly into the body, as well as those that release slowly in the body. Type 1 diabetes sufferers normally take these injections.

Step Two:
The next method that can be used to control the effects of diabetes includes taking pills that are designed specifically to combat the complications associated with diabetes. Those who have Type 2 diabetes, or whose bodies are able to produce even a small amount of insulin typically qualify for these pills. Common examples of these pills include sulfonylureas and thiazolidinediones.

Step Three:
If you are pregnant and find that you suffer from gestational diabetes, the most effective treatment is a healthy diet which includes regular exercise. Your medical doctor will take your height, weight, health conditions, and duration of pregnancy into account in order to determine how many calories a day are considered complimentary to your condition. They will then provide you with a list of healthy foods that will assist in leveling out glucose levels in the body.

Step Four:
If you are seeking answers to how you can control diabetes with supplements, you will be pleased to know that there are several different supplements that can be used. The following list outlines those that are most commonly used for the management of this condition:

• Magnesium
• Chromium
• Vanadium

Step Five:
Diet is another method that is used by diabetic sufferers to control the symptoms associated with glucose and metabolism. It is important to determine which type of diabetes that you have in order to gain an understanding of which foods are most appropriate for your condition. Most lean meats, vegetables, as well as fruits are a productive means of treating this condition. However, if you have high blood sugar, many of these foods may not be appropriate for your condition as they contain natural sugars. Be sure to discuss your diet options with your doctor.

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Coping With Diabetes and Depression

Depression and diabetes often goes hand in hand. While this is an unfortunate fact for individuals that suffer from the complications associated with diabetes, it is true. We all come across times in which we feel a little on the depressive side. If this sad feeling lasts for longer than just a brief episode, you may be experiencing true depression. Depression is a mental condition that leaves an individual feeling high levels of despair for an extended amount of time. If you are an individual that experiences diabetes, it does not necessarily mean that you will develop depression, but it does mean that your chance for experiencing the condition is higher.

The Cause of Depression in Diabetic Patients

The cause of depression in diabetic patients is actually the center of many research projects that are currently being conducted. It is still unclear as far as specifics of the development of this condition are concerned, but there are many different theories. Many believe that the depression develops as a direct result of the metabolism and glucose complications that are common with patients. Many feel as if the complications associated with diabetes in general affect the various nerves in the body. As a result of the nerve damage that is experienced, chemicals and messages that are necessary for the proper functioning of the brain is interrupted.

Coping with Depression and Diabetes

Coping with depression and diabetes can be extremely challenging , regardless of whom you are and the severity in which you suffer. If you find that you suffer from this mental health condition, there are several coping techniques that you can use in order deal with what you are experiencing in a productive manner:

1. The first thing that you should do is ensure that you are following the diabetes treatment plan that your doctor has outlined for you. This will ensure that your glucose and metabolism levels are as close to normal as possible.

2. The next method of coping is learning as much as you possibly can regarding depression. You should learn what treatments are available for the condition. You may choose to meet with a mental health counselor, or you may choose to take natural supplements such as St. Johns Wort . The choice is yours.

3. You should evaluate your medications. Look at both over-the-counter as well as prescription based medications. There are many medications that have the side effect of depression. If you find that something that you take on a regular basis is affecting your mental health, you should make an appointment with the doctor that you use for further information on how to proceed with that medication.

4. The next thing that you should do is to evaluate your lifestyle choices. Smoking, drinking, irregular sleep patterns, levels of inactivity and similar choices may have an impact on how you feel mentally. If you find that your choices as far as your lifestyle are affecting your mood, make every effort to change those things.

5. Talk to someone. Having a good support system can assist in your overcoming depression.

While depression and diabetes is a situation that is challenging, educating yourself on the conditions and how they respond to one another can assist you in overcoming the complications that you face.

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Type 2 Diabetes - How to Fight it and Win

The number of people in the United States that have type 2 diabetes is on the rise. The number of people diagnosed with the disease has steadily risen every year since the 1990's. The worst thing about this epidemic is all the medical conditions and disabilities that come with the disease. Such things as stroke, heart attack, kidney disease, blindness, and amputations are common with people who have type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is when the body does not produce enough insulin for the body or the body basically ignores the insulin that is produced. Insulin is needed by the body to produce energy for the body to function properly. When there is not enough insulin your body, it does not have the energy to function like it should.

When you are diagnosed with the disease, it does not have to mean a death sentence or a life of misery. There are ways that you can fight type 2 diabetes and win.

The main way that you can fight this disease is to start following a healthy lifestyle program. This healthy lifestyle program involves regular exercise and healthy eating. The main reason why people develop type 2 diabetes is due to being overweight and unhealthy. When you change your bad habits around, you can fight the disease and win

The American Diabetes Association is an organization that does research on the disease, provide information, and helps people manage their illness. They recently approved a lifestyle program called Kathy Smith's Project:YOU! Type 2. Project:YOU! Type 2 teaches people with type 2 diabetes how to eat healthy and provides workouts for them that are taught by fitness trainer Kathy Smith. It helps people get back on track to the healthy lifestyle they need to fight the disease. It has been proven that once a person is diagnosed with this illness and they start to get rid of their unhealthy ways, the diabetes can be managed without medicine and the person can live a long and healthy life. Also, losing weight with exercise and a balanced diet can also help manage the illness. Just a little bit of weight, such as 10 pounds can make a difference in your blood sugar levels.

The other way that people can fight and win against this disease is to take the proper medicines that their doctors prescribe. It may mean that you take extra insulin everyday or it may be another medicine that helps your body produce more insulin. It depends on how severe your case is.

The best way to fight type 2 diabetes and live a long life is to start living healthy with regular exercise and healthy foods along with taking the proper medicines from your doctor. You don't have to have this disease hold you back. You can fight and win!

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