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Friday, September 25, 2009

Complications and Effects of Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is an unwelcome condition no sane man prays for. Diabetes has become so pronounced that it's ranked one of the four major killer diseases be-deviling mankind today.

Diabetes Mellitus affects the various systems of the body which can lead to loss of sensation to the feet and injury to the feet could lead to long term problems like diabetic ulcer and amputation of the leg. The patient also losses weight and shape.

Emotional and mental effects/complications of diabetes mellitus: The degree to which one is isolated by a disability is strongly correlated with the evidence of the disorder and the acceptability of its expression. Based on this statement, its observed that diabetes stimulates concern or a neutral response for those who are obessed and diabetic. The obesity is not acceptable and emaciation arouses sympathy. Studies have also shown that depletion of glycogen stores affects brain functionality since the brain uses carbohydrate almost exclusively or its metabolic process.

Effects and complications of diabetes mellitus include:

Infections in virtually any part of the body.
Kidney disease and failure in some cases.
Stroke and heart diseases are two to six times more common in diabetics.
Pregnancy complications include big babies, birth defects and difficult labor.
Eye diseases including blindness and cataract are common among diabetics.
Diabetic foot problems, including gangrene and ulcers.
Diabetic neuropathy manifesting as pin and needle sensations in the feet and hands.
Acute metabolic complication like diabetic ketoacidosis etc and impotence.

The complications and effects of diabetes are not only traumatic, but also could be life threatening. This explains the more reason every available measure should be taken to control these diabetes effects and complications.

Diabetic patients have always been bothered by possible easy diabetes control measures that will enable them get on with their life.

Below are few sure diabetes control, prevention and management tips that will help you put the problem of diabetes to a reasonable level, if not cured entirely:

• Dietary management. In general principle, dietary measures are required in the treatment of all diabetic patients in order to achieve the overall therapeutic goal.

• Endeavour to exercise yourself as much as possible.

• Then grab the much talked about DIABETES CONTROL MADE EASY. A 100% safe, natural, and effective ways you can manage and even fully recover from your diabetes in as little as 90 days... and so that you never have to take insulin again, or have to suffer painfully dull diets even again!

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Clinical Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus

Clinical diagnosis of diabetes mellitus is suspected from the symptoms and signs like:

Frequent urination
Excessive thirst.
Craving for sweets and starches
Unexplained weight loss
Blurred vision
Itching of the skin
Tingling or numbness in feet,
Slow and poor healing of cuts and wounds
Infections, Diabetes greatly reduces ones ability to resist infections
Vaginal infections

The laboratory confirmation of diabetes mellitus is based on the following tests:

1. Fasting and random blood glucose estimation
2. 2 hour glucose level after food
3. Urine test for glucose
4. Oral glucose tolerance test.

The interpretation of the above test states that a high fasting blood sugar associated with detection of glucose in urine in conjunction with symptoms suggestive of diabetes mellitus should confirm this disease.

Every suspected cases of diabetes, therefore, is strongly advised to see a qualified medical practitioner for proper investigation and diagnosis of this disease.

There can be long term complications of diabetes mellitus and these complications can be in terms of health effects. From narrowing of the large arteries, leading to heart attacks, strokes and gangerene. Sometimes, there are problems in the blood vessels behind the eye, leading to retinopathy and sometimes blindness. And the kidney where it may progress to renal failure.

Health experts have observed that the debilitating effects of diabetes mellitus are many and reported that epidemiology studies are involved in the disease and obesity are the risk factors for atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis has been identified as the most common complication of diabetes and responsible for the death of 75 percent of diabetic Americans. Available results also show that atherosclerosis leads to heart attacks, strokes and gangrene.

Diabetic patients have always been bothered by possible easy diabetes control measures that will enable them get on with their life.

Below are few sure diabetes control, prevention and management tips that will help you put the problem of diabetes to a reasonable level, if not cured entirely:

- Dietary management. In general principle, dietary measures are required in the treatment of all diabetic patients in order to achieve the overall therapeutic goal.

- Endeavor to exercise yourself as much as possible.

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How to Choose a Doctor If You Are Diabetic

Perhaps the first step would be to decide if you are satisfied with your current doctor. You may want to ask your doctor the same questions you would ask when interviewing a new doctor and then decide.

The second step would be to make a list of doctors that your friends, relatives, co-workers, etc. would recommend. Are some of the doctors being recommended by more than one person? You may want to put them on the first of the list.

The third step would be to check availability. Is the prospective doctor accepting new patients? This is a question that is more important any other questions. It makes no sense to select a doctor if they will not/cannot accept you as a patient. A simple phone call to the appointment desk of the doctor will answer this question.

The fourth step is to find out if the doctor is accepted on your health care plan. This is another question you can ask the appointment desk or check with your insurance carrier.

If the doctor is not on your plan, how much would it cost to see them? You may want to pay the extra money if they are the best doctor. This is another question for your insurance carrier.

Here are some questions that you can ask your doctor's support staff.

1. What hospitals does the doctor use?
2. What are the normal office hours? (Do these hours fit my schedule?)
3. If English is not my first language, is there someone in the office that can interpret?
4. Who covers for the doctor when they are not available?
5. How long do I have to wait to get a routine appointment?
6. How long do I have to wait in the waiting room before seeing the doctor?

If the answers to these questions are acceptable - make an appointment.

After The Appointment

Ask yourself these questions following the appointment:

1. Did I get a chance to ask questions?
2. Did the doctor answer my questions?
3. Did the doctor explain their answers so that I could understand them?
4. Did the doctor ask me questions?
5. Do I feel comfortable asking questions?
6. Do I feel that the doctor spent enough time with me?
7. Did I feel rushed to get my problems out?
8. Did I get my problem fully addressed?
9. Did the doctor offer me more than one treatment option?
10. Do I feel that the doctor respects me?

Consider the answer to these questions. Selecting a doctor is very important, especially if you are diabetic. Having a doctor who can take the time to address your concerns is truly an asset to your health care team.

Ultimately you are the coach in your health care team and the doctor is one of the players.

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