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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Easy Gestational Diabetes Diet Plan

A gestational diabetes diet plan is essential when you are pregnant because as your body changes it absorbs nutrients differently. The recommended dietary intake for most of the nutrients is increased during pregnancy; therefore the absorption of these nutrients increases during pregnancy and also when you are breastfeeding. The reason this happens is known as progesterone, which is a hormone, secreted by the placenta; it actually slows down your digestive tract and allows more time for the nutrients to absorb.

The way to provide these important nutrients is in the food you eat. Maintaining a nutritious gestational diabetes diet before pregnancy and during pregnancy will allow you to meet the recommended nutrient needs without having to add supplements to your diet; however, there are two possible exceptions, which are iron and folate.

A simple guideline for a gestational diabetes diet plan is:

* Limit your intake of fatty foods, especially the ones that are high in saturated fats
* Limit your intake of foods and drinks that contain refined or added sugar
* Try to avoid or at least limit foods that have a low nutrient value like soft drink, crisps, packet snacks etc.
* Avoid alcohol
* Try to eat a variety of nutritious foods

Following is a gestational diabetes daily diet plan that is recommended during pregnancy:

* 2 to 3 serves of fruit
* 2 serves of milk products
* 3 serves of fat-rich foods
* 3 serves of meat or alternatives
* 5 to 6 serves of vegetables
* 6 to 10 serves of breads, starchy foods and cereals

Following is a gestational diabetes daily diet plan that is recommended while you are breastfeeding:

* 4 to 5 serves of fruit
* 2 serves of milk products
* 3 serves of fat-rich foods
* 2 serves of meat or alternatives
* 6 or more serves of vegetables
* 8 to 10 serves of breads, starchy foods and cereals

Remember that if you do have gestational diabetes you have as much chance as the next women to have a healthy baby, this can be avoided provided you maintain a nutritious diet plan; this will also ensure that your diabetes does not develop into type 2 diabetes later in your life.

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Instantly Identify Diabetes Symptoms and Prevent Complications


Diabetes is a state where insulin is not created by the body (or insulin is not accepted by the cells) and the body is not capable of processing the glucose in the blood appropriately.

The reaction of the body to excess sugar in the blood is to get rid of it throughout urination. Recurrent urination with great volumes of urine is one of the characteristic diabetes symptoms, along with extreme thirst, famine and weight loss. Even with an increased ingestion of water, dehydration can also take place. As excess sugar builds up in the blood, the cells can befall starved for energy since instead of the sugar traveling to the cells, they stay in the blood. Hungry cells causes an exhausted body in addition to a hungry body. In spite of an increased craving, weight loss occurs for the reason that the cells are not getting the nutrition they call for and the sugar, together with its calories, is being eliminated with the urine rather than being taken by the body.


There are a number of theories to this, but some surgeons believe it is directly related to being obese. It is held that being obese is a causal factor in type 2 diabetes. If you show diabetes symptoms and are overweight, you better get your blood sugar level checked.

Studies results have also shown that the inception of diabetes can be reduced if there is an appropriate weight management. At times, patients suffering from this illness do not show any diabetes symptoms. The key with diabetes is to maintain blood glucose within the range of 80-180 mg/dl. When blood glucose is lower or higher than this range, serious health problems may appear.

Although there is no clear clue about the connection between the onset of diabetes and the age, most people over 60 years old exhibit diabetes symptoms. Physicians must deal with this on a case-to-case basis at the same time as considering lifestyle, age, and the readiness of the individual to take part in any treatment system.

There is new investigation for diabetics that has helped lots of people like you to gradually but very efficiently decrease their blood glucose levels.


Statistics show that the United States is home to more than twenty million children and adults suffering from diabetes. They calculate that approximately a third of them are unconscious that they have diabetes. That is above six million undiagnosed cases of the illness. The difficulty with diagnosing diabetes is that the signs often begin little by little. Diabetics with type 2 diabetes average a number of years before they are finally diagnosed. Every so often the doctor makes the diagnosis based on the complications of diabetes rather than the diabetes symptoms themselves. For instance, vision tribulations, sores that will not heal, numbness in the feet and legs, and heart disease often prompt the doctor to infer diabetes.

Other diabetes symptoms can include blurred vision, dry or itchy skin, dry mouth, vaginal yeast infections, male impotence, inexplicable aches and pains, urinary tract infections, sores that do not heal well, recurring infections and genital itch. Ultimately, eyes, nerves, kidneys and the heart can befall injured due to high sugar levels in the blood.


Type 1 diabetes tends to happen upon rapidly with the typical symptoms of recurrent urination, excessive thirst and tiredness, while type 2 diabetes arrives more slowly, frequently over the course of several years. This fact has encouraged the medical society to recommend regular testing for people above 45 years of age. Risk factors that are considered are weight, age, and family history of diabetes, among others.

Whether the above symptoms are present or not, it never hurts to pay a yearly visit to your doctor. And also, to learn more of what everybody needs to know about the diabetes symptoms.

JOSE TALAVERA - Health advisor. Diabetes expert, consultant and author. If you like this article, please visit the web site below for more advice and resources for diabetics:

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How Can a Type 2 Sugar Diabetes Be Prevented?

Light type 2 diabetes sugar is a common type of diabetes. In type 2 diabetes sugar and the body does not produce enough insulin or cells ignore the insulin. Insulin is necessary for the body to use glucose energy.

When you eat food, put down the sugar and starch is glucose, which is infectious. Pre fire cell in the body. Insulin takes sugar from blood into cells. Once created, instead of glucose in the blood to cells can cause two problems. Once cells may be starved of energy. Over time, blood glucose levels can damage eyes, kidneys, nerves or heart.

They found diabetes frightening. But do not worry. Severe type 2 diabetes but who have diabetes can live long lives, health and happiness.

Jacobsen showed that when type 2 diabetes sugar ingested caffeine in coffee or other caffeine products are almost this production.

Consumption, caffeine also stimulates the hormone and running, brain neurotransmitter, adrenaline to increase blood sugar and caffeine, when used with white sugar, refined sugar, such as milk, artificial cream that many people put in their morning coffee will affect your blood sugar blood. In the long term will lead to the hypoglycemia. Replace refined sugar, caffeine or sugar can be a positive full integration for all type 2 diabetes sugar.

Appearing to presume that type 2 diabetes sugar should avoid these foods. And he must be planning to fight or the control of daily insulin levels. These studies found that heavy caffeine reduces insulin sensitivity - which can result in the final stretch up to 12 hours after ingesting the ultimate source of caffeine.

Dehydration is a common effect of drinking too much caffeine. Although you may think that you will receive many types of water in drinks and caffeine in the body in two ways dehydrates the cell body by increasing urination and inhibits dehydration. Secretion of insulin in the pancreas.

Which phenomena inhibition of insulin by dehydration shows the main function of the gland. Pancreatic this directly into the digestion water. Insulin inhibits the inflammation process of adaptation to dehydrate the body.

Secret Eating to CONTROL TYPE 2 DIABETES by the Natural Way

Although the control of type 2 diabetes sugar is clearly more complex than simply reducing or eliminating by the application of caffeine. Diabetes caused by food and body treatment. The wrong type of fat and drinking inhabit effective than genetics. The control type 2 diabetes sugar is to eat the right foods.

* Cinnamomum Cassia or Chinese cinnamon scented with cinnamon is a close relative. This is useful for diabetes is. Prevention and control of blood glucose and lipid levels.

* Improve circulation in small capillaries in the hands and feet. The immunity also flat rates for the sub-system and strengthen.

* Mulberry leaves are known to effectively help adjust the levels of blood sugar.

* Drinking tea can reduce absorption of sugar and carbohydrates. It is also a good source of anti-free radical substance, vitamin C and carotene.

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Diabetic Weight Loss Diet - 7 Sure Fire Tips For Success

Let's face it, suffering from diabetes, whether it's Type 1 or Type 2, is a challenge. If you are overweight or obese you can reduce the risk of diabetes complications, such as heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke by following a diabetic weight loss diet plan. And equally important it will help your blood glucose level.

A key to losing weight and gaining more energy (and who doesn't want more energy) is stabilizing your blood sugar and insulin response to food.
Here are 7 tips to help you succeed.

1. Be Realistic
I bet it took you years to get to the size you are today. Don't try to lose too much too soon. You're setting yourself up for failure. Yes, goals are motivating but they must be realistic and achievable.

2. Keep A Journal
Research shows that people who keep a journal have more weight loss success than those who don't. And they are more likely to keep it off!

3. Eat Fiber
Fiber-rich foods such as vegetables, lentils, beans and wholegrains are a diabetes dieter's friend. They slow down the release of sugars in the food, they aid digestion and they fill you up.

4. Choose Low Glycemic Load Carbohydrates
The glycemic index (GI) is a qualitative measure of how slow or fast a carb converts into glucose. Glycemic load (GL) looks at both the GI and the quantity of the carbohydrate. Aim to keep your daily GL score to 40-45. And always eat protein with your carb.

5. Drink Water
Water is vital to health. Sip water throughout the day. Never let yourself get thirsty. That means you're already dehydrated. For variety add a slice of lime or lemon, or try green tea.

6. Get Moving
Diet alone is never enough. You need to move your body. A mix of cardiovascular (walking is great) and resistance training works best. Don't rush. Build up time and intensity levels gradually; and most importantly

7. Closely Monitor Your Blood Glucose Levels
You must track the effect your diabetic weight loss diet and exercise program is having on your blood sugar levels. If you have better control, your doctor may want to adjust your medication.

Learn more diabetic weight loss diet tips and why the right foods could be the best natural cure for diabetes.

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