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Sunday, December 13, 2009

How to Live Well With Your Type 2 Diabetes!

Here is the good news...there is plenty of information and support to help you live a healthy, active life in spite of your type 2 diabetes diagnosis. The bottom line in management of this condition is to keep your blood sugar levels in the normal range. Let us look at how you can do this.

1. Home blood monitoring... to take charge of your condition you will need to monitor how well your new regimen of diet, medications and exercise are working from day to day. Blood testing with a home blood glucose monitor is an essential part of your life.

2. Become a fat burning machine... diet is the cornerstone of your diabetes control. Without a healthy eating plan, your medications, if they have been prescribed, will not work properly and you will not have the energy to build muscle through exercising regularly or continue to lose weight.

3. Keep moving to help you lose weight... almost every study shows that following a regular exercise program is helpful for people with type 2 diabetes. It also attacks the visceral fat around your abdominal area and helps reduce your blood lipid levels.

Also dieting without exercise, especially in mature people, causes a loss of muscle mass. Your exercise program does not need to be ambitious, but it does require commitment.

4. A new approach ... lifestyle change is a critical step for control of your type 2 diabetes. Lifestyle changes has been proven, over and over, to be one of the best ways to reducing both your weight and blood sugar levels. An improved lifestyle will help you control your genetic roadblock and risks you were born with.

It can also be the most difficult part... even small changes will help, and will lead to larger ones. Trying to do too much at one time will defeat your whole effort.

Are medications always necessary? Is it possible for you to keep your type 2 diabetes under control and avoid any more weight gain? Yes... but you will need to stay focused. The state of your type 2 diabetes is really in your hands.

Discuss all your health issues with your health care provider... he may suggest there are benefits for you to take a specific anti-diabetic medication in the initial period, plus you may need treatment for high blood pressure.

Type 2 diabetes is a lifelong condition that requires constant vigilance and commitment to manage it properly.

If you would like to download a free copy of my E-Book, click here now: Answes to Your Questions... its based on questions diabetics have asked me over recent months.

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Personal Training Helps Diabetics Enhance Their Life Quality

Over 23 million people in the United States were diagnosed with diabetes as of 2007, and this number is on the rise. Diabetes is the seventh most common disease in the U.S., and it often goes hand in hand with clinical obesity. While exercise is a commonly prescribed treatment for both diabetes and obesity, people with either condition are often not in the best of physical condition and are more likely to suffer injuries or strains. Thus, a personal trainer can be a great asset, especially when establishing an exercise program.

Diabetes is a very serious disease. In simple terms, the cause of diabetes is the body's inability to make or use insulin well. Insulin controls the level of glucose (blood sugar) in the system. Some of the complications include:

Heart attack and stroke
Eye problems, including ultimately potentially going blind
Nerve damage in the extremities, which can ultimately lead to loss of limbs
Kidney problems that can ultimately lead to kidney failure
Gum disease and loss of teeth
Lack of energy

People who suffer from diabetes should choose a personal coach who has undergone special training and certification in dealing with diabetic issues. There are particular things trainers should monitor while working with diabetic individuals, including circulation and hypoglycemic reactions. Exercising can be very safe and effective for someone with diabetes when guidelines are followed.

Trainers are able to provide guidance, knowledge and support in a convenient and safe way. Some diabetics who work with a personal trainer are able to lose a lot of weight, resulting in the ability to lower their insulin injections and have a much better quality of life.

A good instructor should begin with an evaluation of the history of their new client's health. Any problems the client suffers from should be revealed during this evaluation, including injuries to both skeletal and muscular structures as well as any serious conditions. A trainee may be required to get medical clearance before starting any type of exercise program, especially if the client has a severe or chronic disease.

After working with a client for a short while, the trainer and client should collaborate on setting an exercise goal. The exercise plan should include both aerobic exercise and weight or resistance training.

Aerobic exercise enhances sensitivity to insulin and helps to control blood sugar. When included with proper nutrition, physical activity strengthens normal glucose metabolism by lowering body fat. Strength or resistance training also helps to decrease body fat by increasing the metabolism. The main benefit of training is to increase glucose intake and the ability to store it. Proper exercise can be the difference between lifestyle and medical management of diabetes.

Exercising with a personal trainer can help people from almost any background enjoy a greatly enhanced quality of life. It encourages the incorporation of many healthy changes, including increased physical activity, better hydration, improved diet, getting enough sleep and eating balanced meals.

Diabetes is a condition that can be managed by making important lifestyle changes. A personal trainer can help get you started down the path to good health.

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How a Diabetic Child Can Celebrate Halloween

To a child, Halloween usually means parties, trick-or-treating, candy, etc. But to a diabetic child who is not allowed to have candy or sweets, it doesn't have to mean that the child cannot participate in Halloween activities. It simply means that the parent and the child must come to an agreement on what the child can eat and when they can eat it. The parent needs to set some rules and be sure and monitor the child's intake of sweets. It can also be an opportunity for the parents and friends of the child to use a little creativity to make the Halloween holiday enjoyable for the diabetic child.

One option to consider is to trade small toys for candy. The child can still participate in trick-or-treating, but instead of candy the parent can ask neighbors, relatives and close friends to substitute small toys as the treats for the diabetic child. One other option that the parents should consider is allowing the child to collect candy during trick-or-treating, and then the parents can trade small toys for the bulk of the child's candy. There are often a variety of Halloween toys in retail stores, such as glow-in-the-dark sticks or insects and PEZ toys.

Another option would be for the parents of the diabetic child to host a Halloween party where they can provide healthy treats such as popcorn balls and sugar-free candy. Again, Halloween toys can be used for prizes and treats. The parents can try to make fun and games the highlight of the party instead of food and candy.

With some creativity and imagination, parents of a diabetic child can make this a fun-filled, memorable holiday for their child.

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Can Diabetics Exercise?

Exercise for diabetics is essential when it comes to controlling your blood sugar. There is no reason you can't exercise if you have diabetes - you just need to take some extra precautions.

Working out will help your body respond to insulin naturally! In many cases diabetes can be reversed with the proper exercise and diet! It can reduce the amount of medication you need to treat your type 2 diabetes, or even eliminate the need for medication altogether! Being active is one of the best ways to keep your blood glucose levels under control.

The benefits of exercise for diabetics include:

* Helps your body to work more efficiently
* Helps your body to burn;more calories
* Helps your body to use insulin more effectively
* Helps to control your blood glucose
* Helps to control your cholesterol and triglyceride levels
* Improves blood circulation and flexibility

According to the American Diabetes Association, an effective diabetes exercise plan should include aerobics, strength training and stretching exercises. You should take some extra precautions when exercising.

Following are several tips that will help you to exercise safely:

* Don't rush - Start slowly, pay attention to your breathing, and increase your workout time by 10 minutes per week
* Warm-up - Stretch before working out
* Drink water - Before, during and after your workout
* Wear light or layer clothing - Don't become over-heated
* Take care of your feet - Wear appropriate shoes

You will need to decide which exercises and activities you think you can do. Remember to start slowly and gradually work up to your exercise goals. Walking is a great exercise to start with. It is easy on your body, and it doesn't cost anything!

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