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Monday, February 8, 2010

What Are the Warning Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes?

Diabetes is a silent killer. It will advance on you without any symptoms or notice. Overweight, inactive lifestyles can lead to it. There are also certain ethnic groups who have a tendency to become diabetes in greater numbers than others. Symptoms can go unnoticed for a long time and it is hard to connect one with the other.

The most common symptoms for both Diabetes Type1 and Type 2 are a feeling of weakness and/or fatigue, constant thirst caused by body dehydration, constant urination, abdominal pain, nausea and/or vomiting, blurry vision, irritation, quick mood changes, constant infections, slow wound healing and menstrual changes.

The reason why it is hard to detect Diabetes is that all these symptoms will not show up at once. They will come and go, appear and disappear, so it is difficult to relate one with the other. The other fact is that they are usually unrelated to each other so a person may believe he or she is getting sick again, and not necessarily believe it is the same disease showing another symptom.

Constant monitoring and alertness about the person's ailments and pains is necessary to detect diabetes. Repetition of any of these symptoms or a combination of them should make the person consider testing himself for diabetes. There are other symptoms which become visible and are easier to relate to diabetes; these are constant weight loss, a rapid heartbeat, low blood pressure and low body temperature.

These are easier to track, detect and relate but unfortunately threes appear once the disease has already set in and treatment is necessary. The symptoms mentioned above will start appearing at the early stages of diabetes when some preventive measures can be taken. Diabetes advances slowly and may go unnoticed for a long time, knowing your body and being alert to these signs can help you prevent it or control it at an early stage of development.

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How to Control Diabetes

Diabetes results in more than 170,000 deaths each year in the United States. According to the World Diabetics Foundation, the prevalence of diabetics has reached epidemic proportions. The World Health Organization predicts that developing countries will bear the grunt of this epidemic in the 21st Century, with 80% of all new cases of diabetes expected to appear in developing countries by 2025.

Diabetes is a disease of a liver that impairs the functioning of the liver as a result of the inability of the liver cell to convert excess glucose in the blood to glycogen. Diabetes mellitus is a set of related diseases in which the body cannot regulate the proper amount of sugar content (specifically, glucose) in the blood.


Glucose in the blood gives you energy to perform daily activities which helps you through the day e.g walk briskly, ride your bike to work, do work that are very hard.

This is as a result of the failure of the pancreas to produce a hormone called INSULIN.Consequently; excess sugar is left in the blood and lit can only be lost through urine


(1) It results to continuous dehydration.
(2) It may cause exhaustion or muscular weakness.
(3) It may lead to blurred vision.
(4) It also leads to loss of weight.


(1) Drugs like diabetes should be used.
(2) There must be regular dose of insulin injection intravenously throughout life.
(3) Carbohydrates-rich food must be avoided.


(1) Dehydration
(2) Thirsty always
(3) Lot of urination
(4) Urine contains more sugar when tasted.

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Diabetes - Why Grains Can Be Worse Than Sugar

Everyone knows that diabetics need to watch their sugar intake -- they need to eat much less candy, soda, sweetened cereal, etc. But did you know that grains can actually be worse for diabetics than sugar can ever be? Here are a few surprising facts that just might save your life one day.

First of all, grains are mostly made up of carbohydrates. And carbohydrates, especially the refined varieties, get converted into glucose more quickly by the body. Left unused, this glucose spikes blood sugar levels and heightens the risk of diabetes. In addition, it gets stored away as excess fat.

Perhaps more disturbingly, scientists have recently found links between diabetes and Alzheimer's. The brain apparently secretes blood-sugar-controlling insulin as well as the pancreas, and the brains of Alzheimer's sufferers have been found to exhibit the same insulin abnormalities as the pancreases of diabetics.

Now we know why diabetics are 65% more likely to suffer from Alzheimer's disease. Blood sugar abnormalities cause the pancreas and brain to function irregularly, causing diabetes and Alzheimer's. It's no wonder why more and more scientists call Alzheimer's the new "Type 3" diabetes.

To avoid diabetes and Alzheimers, do yourself a favor and eat less grains. Switch to a plant-based diet (fruit and vegetables), and take natural food supplements. Acai berry can be a good addition to an organic diet, since it is a natural appetite suppressant, an effective weight loss agent, and wholesome food supplement. For best results, look for an Acai supplement that contains 100% Acai extract -- pills are your best bet.

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How to Cure Diabetes Naturally

Diabetes is one of the most widespread diseases prevalent in today's ultra modern world with its modern lifestyle and a life laced with no time for even the trivial things of life such as proper food. One of the main reasons of diabetes is the improper food habits, especially consumption of the junk food, that too, irregularly. Like it is said, all problems caused has to be solved by him. There are a number of counter habits that can reduce the risk of developing diabetes, and also to reduce the effects of diabetes in people already afflicted by it.

Diabetes has to do with the presence of sugar molecules in the human body, and as according to intuition, it is imperative that to reduce the risk of diabetes, one reduces the amount of food rich in sugar and fat. Furthermore there are certain food ingredients that are found to play a pivotal role in eliminating the ill effects of the disease. Some of them are magnesium, fig leaves, black seed and bitter melon. Certain types of fruits also tend to have a healing effect on the human body. Prominent among these are apples.

Magnesium has been proven by doctors to lower the contraction of muscles, which are sometimes a by product of diabetes and also it acts as a catalyst in the reaction of the sugar molecules during their conversion into energy. It is actually these unreacted molecules that are a major factor in the enzyme receptors having low receptivity. Fig leaves tend to help a diabetic by diluting his body with the available insulin so that further insulin is not made necessary. It must be taken early in the morning with breakfast so that the hyper active body processes are injected with the fig's molecules and during the whole day of changing conditions, they keep the insulin levels under check. Other such natural cures are cinnamon, olive oil. Exercises to work out and break down the insulin also helps.

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Connection Between Yeast and Diabetes, and Diabetes With Pancreatic Cancer

I try to demonstrate the connection between candida or yeast and diabetes, and also to pancreatic cancer based on a patient's true story, her name is Lucy. About 7 years ago, her sister-in-law came down with a severe case of mono. It was so bad that she couldn't go to work, she was totally incapacitated. During that time my friend had a routine checkup with her doctor and told her how she was feeling fatigued. He tested her for EBV (Epstein-Barr Virus) and her reading was higher than her sister-in-law's! He put her on antibiotics and told her to rest for the next two weeks. The thing is she wasn't even feeling as bad as she had in the past!

Over the years she has come to recognize when the virus flares up. She gets extremely fatigued, her muscles ache, her joints ache, and the slightest exertion causes her to break out in a sweat. Her throat is sore and her lymph glands in her neck swell. It usually flares up whenever she has an emotional crisis (like her husband's unfaithfulness and leaving) or when she overexerts herself physically.

What is amazing to her is that, knowing she has EBV and suspect fibromyalgia also, both of these conditions have roots in yeast overgrowth. Her mother-in-law was diagnosed a month ago with pancreatic cancer. It's a shame because she's a woman who took real good care of her health.

She ate lots of processed foods and was addicted to sweets. Even though she did not have a weight problem, she did become diabetic about a year before the cancer was diagnosed. So she sees a connection between yeast and diabetes and diabetes and pancreatic cancer. And she thinks it all has its roots in candidiasis.

She thinks if we take care of the yeast, we'll eliminate the craving for sweets, which would prevent diabetes and prevent our pancreas from malfunctioning.

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