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Friday, February 6, 2009

Hypoglycemia - A Diabetes Chronic Complication

Hypoglycemia is a situation where the blood sugar is abnormally lower than normal. 70mm of sugar per 100cc of blood is the minimum considered to be normal; any value lower than it can lead to hypoglycemia. It affects both diabetics and non - diabetic but is more common in diabetics.

In diabetes, it is caused by too much or incorrectly timed insulin infusion. It is also caused by too much or incorrectly timed exercise. This is because, exercise reduces the quantity of insulin the body needs. Another cause of hypoglycemia is when you don't eat enough food especially those food containing carbohydrate.

When it occurs, the patient experiences some psychological and physical discomfort like shaky feeling, weakness, confusion, irritation, hunger and fatigue. He may also sweat and experience head ache.

When it happens to you, do one of the following;

* Take 3 or 4 glucose tablet.
* Take 1 serving of glucose gel. 1 serving is equal to 15 grams of carbohydrate.
* Drink 1 cup of milk.
* Drink ½ cup (4 ounces) of a non diet soft drink.
* Drink ½ cup (4 ounces) of any fruit juice.
* Take 5 or 6 piece of hard candy.

After 15 minutes, check your blood glucose. if it is too low, have another serving and surely, you will bounce back to normal. If not, repeat the process until you get to normal again i.e. blood glucose 70mg and above.

If hypoglycemia is not treated on time, it may lead to more severe complications like unconsciousness which leads to coma, seizures, brain damage and even death. For this reason, a diabetic is advised to carry around hypoglycemic treating substances like candies, glucose, sugar, honey, fruit juice and soft drinks listed above.

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What is the Cause of Type 2 Diabetes in Children?

Today, many are asking what is the cause of type 2 diabetes in children? Type 2 diabetes is epidemic in our youth today. The reasons they get diabetes is similar to why adults get diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes used to be called adult onset diabetes. No more. Today it is called type 2 diabetes because children are affected as much as older adults. There is even a new double diabetes in children where they get both type 1 and type 2 diabetes at the same time.

Many of our children today are overweight or obese. There are several reasons for this:

-Lack of exercise
-Poor diet at home without the veggies and fruits they need.
-Poor diet at school - Are schools do not provide healthy lunches like 40 years ago.
-Too many sodas and high fructose corn syrups in juices and foods
-Working parents and single moms unable to provide proper nutrition
-Eating at fast food restaurants and junk food for snacks
-Lack of exercise with computers, video games and television use instead
-TV food ads promote poor quality foods with additives and little nutrition.

All of these factors combined add up to a compression of time in which a child's system becomes toxic and unable to function properly. Solutions are:

-Better supervision of snacks.
-Do not buy junk food.
-Cut down meals out at fast food chains.
-Spend time to learn how to buy and prepare nutritious meals free of additives.
-Supplement their diets with omega 3 essential fatty acids
-Turn off TV, video games and computers and get kids playing outside daily.
-Cut all sodas and most commercial juices from their diet.
-Buy no food or drink with high fructose corn syrup in it.
-Check school menus and pack a lunch if food at school in not acceptable.

With proper planning and supervision your child can escape being overweight and becoming a type 2 diabetic.

Darryl Van Kirk has been self employed the majority of his life and working from home 10 of the last 12 years. Visit Darryl's new web site based on his experience as a diabetic Cause and Cure for Type 2 Diabetes.

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Diabetes and It's Related Diseases

Are there other diseases related to diabetes? Yes. Diabetes brothers and sisters would be Heart disease aka Cardiovascular Disease, Heart Attacks, Stroke, Arthritis, Gout, Psoriasis and more.

According to the The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases those with diabetes are twice as likely to have heart disease or stroke than a non diabetic.

What they don't tell you about diseases related to diabetes is their causes may be similar to what caused your type 2 diabetes. This should underscore our need to look at what we were doing wrong in our pre-diabetes lifestyles.

To me, just looking at the rash of juvenile type 2 diabetes today can give us some of our solutions. Our children are less active due to video games, computers and television than in previous decades. They eat more junk food and have sodas available to them at school and home. They usually drink very little water. What water they drink is polluted with chlorine and fluoride.

Their foods are not whole foods. They are not eating a lot of raw fruits and vegetables. They eat a lot of fried and processed foods. The snacks they do eat are saturated with table salt, preservatives and too much sugar. Our children and grandchildren consume much more sugar than any prior generation.

In addition to contracting type 2 diabetes, 30 years too early, they may get other diseases related to diabetes too soon, as well. A 70 year old is not too surprised to get all these problems due to their age. To me, it is a crying shame to see children suffering with diseases meant for older people who are more ready to die.

Darryl Van Kirk has been self employed the majority of his life and working from home 10 of the last 12 years. Visit Darryl's new web site based on his experience as a diabetic Cause and Cure for Type 2 Diabetes

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