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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Signs of Gestational Diabetes

Gestational Diabetes could be deadlier if the pregnant mother does not detect it early enough to commence treatment and proper management and control. A pregnant mother with possible gestational diabetes can be detected during routine antenatal visits. The presence of any of these signs in someone may call the attention of the doctor;

• If excess sugar is found in the urine of a pregnant woman who was not known to be diabetic before the pregnancy.
• If the weight of a pregnant woman increases so much at each antenatal visit, such a woman is a possible candidate of gestational diabetes.
• If the size of the pregnancy is increasing far much more than the clinical expected size, in the absence of multiple pregnancy.
• Above all, if the fasting blood sugar level is higher than normal.

Treatment of Diabetes in Pregnancy:

The aforementioned effects of diabetes during pregnancy can be eliminated or at least reduced to the lowest minimum if the following treatment modalities are strictly adhered to:

• Dietary management: The use of some diets has proven to help eliminate diabetes and keep it to the barest minimum. Diabetes diet requires: less carbohydrate, less fat, more vegetables and fruits and more anti oxidants.
• Exercise: Engaging in light exercises can also help reduce diabetes conditions in pregnant women to a minimum level. Exercise like walking a pathway is advisable.
• Insulin injection, if need be. Drugs are strongly not advised because of their possible adverse effects on the baby. If drugs must be involved, it should be upon the recommendations of a experienced medical practitioner.

• A MUST HAVE: Grab the much talked about DIABETES CONTROL MADE EASY GUIDE; a 100% safe, natural, and effective ways you can manage and even fully recover from your diabetes in as little as 90 days

... and so that you never have to take insulin again, or have to suffer painfully dull diets even again!

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These Are Foods That Don't Raise Blood Sugar Levels!

The reason for a healthy eating plan for those diagnosed with type 2 diabetes is to help to make your everyday dining easier and to also help to:

* reduce and stabilize your insulin and blood sugar levels
* gain or maintain a healthy body weight
* achieve normal cholesterol and triglyceride levels
* achieve a blood pressure reading lower than 140/80 mm/HG

The best healthy eating plan is one that includes food choices which adequately cover your known nutritional requirements for:

* vitamins
* minerals
* anti-oxidants
* essential amino acids
* essential fatty acids
* fiber
* protein
* low-glycemic index (low-GI) carbohydrates

Eating more plant foods and adequate animal protein will generally help your type 2 diabetes control.

Some carbohydrates aren't even listed in the glycemic index because they don't include enough carbs to affect your blood sugar levels. This list of foods includes:

* artichokes, asparagus,
* broccoli
* cabbage, raw carrots, cauliflower, celery, celery root, cucumber
* eggplant, endive
* fennel
* green beans
* kale
* lettuce
* mushrooms, mustard greens
* okra, onions
* parsley, pea pods, peppers
* radicchio, radishes
* sauerkraut, scallions, spinach, squash (summer)
* tomatoes
* turnip greens, turnips
* water chestnuts, watercress
* zucchini

Other foods also very low in carbohydrates (low-GI), with a "0" glycemic index, include:

* avocados...even though they have a "0" GI factor, they are considered a fat and a suitable serving size would be a quarter of a small avocado
* nuts and seeds... these too are fats and one tablespoon of seeds or six to ten nuts is recommended as a serving size

The proportion of carbohydrates, protein and fat varies in a healthy eating plan for a person with type 2 and depends on many factors. These include both physical and medical needs, therefore it is important to have an individual consultation with an Accredited Practising Dietitian who specializes in type 2 diabetes. The dietitian will also take into account all your needs, which will include your food likes and dislikes.

Following a healthy eating plan, reducing your blood sugar levels and your weight, makes you the winner in getting down to your ideal size and at the same time, improving your health. It puts you in control of your type 2 diabetes and helps to prevent many long term health complications.

Learn all you can about what you can do to help yourself and know which foods will lower or raise your blood sugar levels. Don't hesitate to click here now if you would like to download my free E-Book: Answers to Your Questions.

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The Causes of Gestational Diabetes Explained

Pregnant women who have never had diabetes before but found to have high blood sugar level during pregnancy are said to have gestational diabetes or Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM). This kind of diabetes is different from that of a pregnant woman who was previously diabetic before getting pregnant.

It is called 'gestational' because it occurs when a women is pregnant and often disappears after delivery of the baby. Studies have however revealed that it is a prelude or sign that the person might develop frank diabetes in future. It usually occurs after 28 weeks of pregnancy. Gestational diabetes affects about 4% of all pregnant women in the United States each year. It it very common in our environment but the statistics here is staggering.

Although the causes of gestational diabetes are poorly understood, there are some clues in this transient condition. The main clue resolves around the functions of the placenta after the first trimester (three months) of pregnancy. During this period, the placenta takes over the support and growth of the foetus (baby in the womb). The placenta produces hormones that help in foetal (baby) development.

However, studies have shown that some of these hormones also block the action of the mother's insulin. Be reminded that insulin is responsible for uptake of sugar from the blood. The increased effects of these hormones on the mother's insulin lead to relative lack of insulin or insulin resistance; a condition that may lead to high sugar level in the blood (hyperglycemia) and urine (glucosuria).

Diabetic patients have always been bothered by possible easy diabetes control measures that will enable them get on with their life.

Below are few sure diabetes control, prevention and management tips that will help you put the problem of diabetes to a reasonable level, if not cured entirely:

- Dietary management. In general principle, dietary measures are required in the treatment of all diabetic patients in order to achieve the overall therapeutic goal.

- Endeavor to exercise yourself as much as possible.

- Then grab the much talked about Diabetes Control Made Easy Guide. A 100% safe, natural, and effective ways you can manage and even fully recover from your diabetes in as little as 90 days...And so that you never have to take insulin again, or have to suffer painfully dull diets even again!

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