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Thursday, February 19, 2009

3 Natural Cures For Diabetes

If you found out that you are diabetic, you should be aware that if your diabetes will not be cured as early as possible, it will cause you to suffer a lot of dilemmas. To avoid experiencing these things, you can apply natural cures for diabetes. Since they are natural, you can rest assured that they are safe as well as effective.

A lot of methods have been introduced to the public and they are believed to cure diabetes; however, not all of them are proven safe and effective. So far, there are 3 proven natural methods that can cure the disease.

Natural diabetes cures are as follows:

1. Massage

Massage is a powerful method that can improve the condition of a diabetic patient. It can relax the muscles. Not all may know it but when a person is being massaged, his body is actually exercising in a passive way. The tension is being driven away while the nervous system is being calmed down at the same time; thus relieving the muscles from stress.

A variety of massage techniques can be performed on a person with high blood glucose. There are also modern methods which are recently introduced and they are intended to improve the condition of a diabetic person. Aside from this, they can also improve blood circulation and at the same time, get rid of body toxins.

2. Mud Therapy

Mud is a natural earth element which is commonly used during the ancient times to remedy various diseases and ailments. They can invigorate, revitalize and refresh a person's body in a natural and yet effective way. Using them in this type of therapy can help eliminate toxins, cool down the nervous system and activate the internal organs.

Upon the rediscovery of the benefits that can be acquired from mud, modern spas started using it to apply treatment on their clients. Practitioners came up with mud treatment that can lower blood sugar level of a diabetic. Most of the time, the mud is used in mud baths where in the patient will be required to stay in a tub for about 30 to 90 minutes. This method can be pricey but it is a sure-fire way to cure.

3. Detoxification

This is one of the best natural cures for diabetes. You will need a special diet for this method. To get that diet, simply consult your doctor or approach a health agency who can prepare a special diet plan for your condition. Taking dietary supplements may also be included in the plan. You will certainly be introduced to a lot of diet plans that can eliminate the unwanted toxins in your body. Not only will detoxification treat diabetes sugar levels, it will also eliminate the excess fat in your body.

Diabetes can be a big threat to your health and the least you can do when you are already affected with it is to treat it using the three natural cures for diabetes. When you do so, you will be able to control your blood glucose level.

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Chromium and Diabetes - What You Should Know

Chromium plays a vital role in the body's use of energy-providing carbohydrates. If you don't have enough energy-providing carbohydrates then you will experience impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes-like symptoms.

For this reason, chromium is one of the more well-known supplements for diabetes. Not only does chromium help with diabetes, it also causes insulin to function more effectively in the body. This increase of insulin functionality regulates blood glucose and potentates energy storage.

Studies have shown that by taking chromium it will lower blood glucose levels by 15mg/dl.

When Taking Chromium, Less is More

Sometimes taking less of this supplement works better than taking more. With that being said, I highly recommend brewer's yeast (a natural food that contains chromium but delivers a lower amount of it).

Chromium deficiency causes insulin resistance. If you are a diabetic, the last thing you want is more insulin resistance. By taking chromium supplements you will help with adequate chromium and thus, overcome insulin resistance.

Studies have shown that chromium supplementation has proven to improve glucose tolerance and reduce hyperinsulinemia (abnormally elevated insulin levels in the blood). Increased hyperinsulinemia usually occurs in women with gestational diabetes.

How is Chromium Measured?

Chromium can be measured in blood, but it's not a very reliable indicator of chromium active in the tissues (where it is most needed).

Can I Eat Certain Foods to Increase my Chromium?

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