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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Have You Considered the Lifescan One Touch Ultrasmart Glucose Meter?

Quick, Simple Blood Sugar Monitoring With The One Touch UltraSmart Monitor

Simple, Simple, Simple. That's what most people are looking for in a blood sugar monitoring system. Having diabetes is complicated. There's so much more to keep track of, and it's all so "important" once your health is riding on your decisions in a very direct way.

Complications of diabetes are severe - you can easily develop eye problems, tingling in your extremities or even amputation and death. It's no laughing matter and that's why you can't afford to mess around when it comes to monitoring your own health with a high quality blood sugar monitor. One good glucose monitor on the market is the OneTouc UltraSmart monitor. It tracks lots of information to help you stay safe.

This Is The Data That's Charted:

- Current v. Average Sugar Levels: This information compares your new test result to your 14-day average at that time of day as well in comparison to the last test result taken.

- Blood Sugar Logbook: The journal will track all your readings, along with the time and date, and there is room for you to add notes about things like your diet, exercise and medications on the day of the reading. You do not need to key in the date and time of your tests, the meter tracks that info automatically. Of course, if you want to add notes, you will have to type that in yourself.

- Glucose Numbers Charted By Meals: {Clearly, when and how much you eat can drastically affect your readings. With this data, you can view all "pre meal" and "post meal" readings as a group, to pare down the data into a more relevant comparison group to better interpret your current information in context.|This list enables you to review your readings based on whether they were taken before or after meals, sorted by the date of the test.

- Graph of Sugar Results: This graph allows you to have a look at all your readings, organized by date.

- Graph Of Sugar By Time of Day: This graph is interactive and allows you to see and analyze your test results by time of day. As an example, this would let you see all of your test results taken at 3 p.m. over the last fourteen days in graph form.

- Average Sugar From All Results: This info shows you all the tests you have completed and the averages of all of your testing results over time.

- Average Blood Sugar By Time of Day: This data shows you the number of tests you have completed and the averages of all your glucose results by time of day over the period of time you have utilized the meter.

- Glucose Level Data: You may use this data to check the number and share of tests, above, within or below a satisfactory blood glucose range.

- Hypo Information: You can use this information to research the number of hypoglycemic events around mealtimes and at night.

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Diabetes is a Blessing? Testimony Number 2

So, are you convinced that diabetes is a blessing? Did you read testimony #1? What do you think? I am a diabetic individual because I was selected as very exceptional out of ten other brothers and sisters. I say this because out of the ten without diabetes, six of them are alcoholics.

What I will be describing to you is some ways as a young diabetic to avoid the temptations that you may have growing up in your teens and early twenties. I will remind you of who knows you best and last of all who is really in control.

If you are in your teen years and taking multiple shots a day to control your sugar diabetes, you may feel different than anyone else. You are probable into dating and having fun with your friends. There will be occasions when you go out that will remind you about your sugar diabetes. Think of those times as blessings to keep you sage.

Again, diabetes really can be a blessing in disguise. When you are in your twenties you may start college looking to obtain some degrees. Keep in mind that your well-being comes first. Yes, you are a diabetic but that also makes you very special. Most people without the disease take worst care of themselves because at this young age they feel infallible. The more you learn about yourself the better control you will maintain over you sugar diabetes. Ask yourself the following questions:

What makes you tick? What I mean by this is why do you do what you do? Habit. not thinking etc. What is your purpose?

Do you really know the answers to these questions or are you too busy with life?

I love to learn the new and upcoming treatments for diabetes. My question to you is this, "Who knows you best"? When you go to your doctor and he/she suggests you do something different with your diabetes always question what they suggests. After all, it is your body and your life and you are in control of your diabetes. I use to be a very quiet and insecure person but my diabetes changed all that. Stay tuned for the next version of living with diabetes.

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Reducing Your Blood Sugar Naturally

Studies have shown that there are a variety of herbal supplements on the market that will aid diabetics by helping lower blood sugar. However, since a variety of herbal supplements have been shown to improve the reduction of blood sugar levels by helping insulin do its job, it stands to reason that for those whose bodies don't produce any insulin at all herbal supplements are unable to provide that help.

One such herb that has been shown to be effective is the sweet herb. For example, garlic colves have been shown to lower blood sugars over a prolonged period. Scientists who studied this herb and its effect on diabetes recommended diabetics eat 1 clove of garlic per day to achieve the desired blood sugar lowering effect.

Cinnamon has been shown to block free radicals from entering the body; it has also been proven effective in increasing the body's ability to convert glucose to energy. Because of this amazing effect it has been used successfully by many diabetics who need to keep their blood sugar levels under control. Jambolan, another herb said to have beneficial effects for those suffering from diabetes, is a staple for those who practice ayurvedic medicines. Jambolan is said to decrease blood sugar levels without any hint of side effects. Due to the oleanic acid in this herb it has also been proven to decrease the production of free radicals.

Furthermore, researchers believe that Biotin, also known as vitamin B-7, may be involved in the production and release of insulin. The studies on Biotin involved those who suffer from type 2 diabetes who, as an overall group, tend to have lower levels of biotin than those who don't have type 2 diabetes. The studies that were done suggest that this vitamin may improve blood sugar control.

Bitter Melon is another herb that contains powerful insulin lowering properties which are thought to be an effective treatment for diabetes. Current research shows that Bitter Melon promotes blood sugar management by controlling how the body produces insulin. Some of the studies show that this bitter gourd also enhances the cells' uptake of glucose, promotes insulin release, and makes the effect of insulin more potent. A few of the studies even document Bitter Melon's ability to effectively lower cholesterol. Bitter Melon is often seen as a "plant-insulin", and some studies have shown that, if administered correctly, it behaves in the same way as slow-acting animal insulin which represents exciting potential for a more sustainable, vegetarian, source of insulin.

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The Type 2 Diabetes Explosion!

Explosion, rather a dramatic word to apply to a health condition... but do you know it is really applicable when the condition is type 2 diabetes? Think about an explosion caused by dynamite, someone needs to light the fuse. If that fuse is not lit, the dynamite is useless, it is ineffective, there will be no explosion!

Now, in type 2 diabetes, the fuse may be the food that is available, food that is promoted all over the television and Internet:

* the fast foods
* the processed foods
* the weight loss programs
* most packaged health foods
* fat-free, low-fat and light foods
* prepared fruit juices
* commercially prepared soups
* hamburgers
* tomato paste and more

But who lights the fuse in type 2 diabetes... we do. We are responsible for what we eat, we can't blame anyone else. At this time it is believed type 2 diabetes needs to be in your family, in your genes, for it to become active under the right conditions. The right conditions include being overweight or being obese... having fat around your waistline, around your abdominal area. The consequence of obesity is type 2 diabetes.

Can type 2 diabetes be cured? Can type 2 diabetes be avoided? If your choice of lifestyle is the cause, it sounds like it can at least be avoided and it certainly is not too late even if you have received a definite diagnosis. Recovery starts with you, your choices!

1. Keep a diary of everything you eat and drink for one week... you will soon start to see what you need to change. There's no need to give up foods you love, just reduce the amount.

2. Show in your diary how much physical activity you take part in... buy a pedometer and measure your daily footsteps... aim for 1,000 steps each day to start with.

3. Take small consistent steps towards losing 5 to 10lbs (2.2 to 4.4 kg), then another 5 to 10lbs (2.2 to 4.4kg). Losing more than 2lbs (1kg) a weeks means you are losing muscle, and that's not what you are aiming for... you want to lose fat.

There is an important relationship between food and blood sugar, insulin and fat. The more overweight you are, the more resistant to insulin you become because extra adipose tissue (fat), causes a hormone reaction which is a rise in your body's cortisol. That process then closes your cell's doors and prevents sugar from entering... this sugar has no alternative but to go onto become fat. Lose body fat and your insulin and blood sugar levels will improve.

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