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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Diabetes Cure With Pranayama

Diabetes is a disease that needs no introduction. It has become such a common disorder all around the globe now. Not only patients themselves but their relatives and loved ones also are seeking to increase awareness about diabetes, a deadly disease.

Today we can try to learn some basic Yogic techniques or exercises which can help as an alternative method of diabetes cure or as a complement to the usual methods of treatment of diabetes.

We shall start with the Pranayamas or Breathing exercises. They are my all time favorites because of the fact that anybody can do these exercises to effect weight loss. If you are alive and you have a nose and are breathing you definitely can do these simple exercises to cure diabetes.

Let us start with the Bhastrika Pranayama or the Bellows breath. Sit in a comfortable posture either on a chair or on the ground. Keep your legs crossed and spine straight. But take care to see that your neck is slightly bent down so that your spine and the back of your head are aligned. The whole aim of this exercise is to rapidly oxygenate your blood and boost your metabolism for controlling blood sugar. Adjust your breath in such a way that each of your inhalation lasts for 1 second and similarly each of your exhalation lasts for another one second.

This has to be done with some force and effort so that you are literally blowing air into your lungs and again pushing out the carbon dioxide out of your system. Continue alternate inhalation and exhalation up to a count of ten. The 11th breath should be held in to a mental count of five and then released. This whole process completes one round of Bhastrika. Try to do at least 3 rounds as a beginner and you may gradually increase it to ten rounds per day to cure diabetes without medicine.

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7 Foods That Lower Blood Sugar and Control Warning Signs of Diabetes

Here is a brief list of foods that lower the blood sugar level of the diabetics. To avoid the diabetic complications the patient has to avoid dangerous blood sugar levels. There are various ways of doing so. The best, natural and safest method to avoid diabetic complications is by eating the foods that lower blood sugar levels.

The diabetics must have the complete information about the foods that lower blood sugar level. Do you want to grasp this information in few minutes? If yes! Then continue reading.

French Beans or Kidney Beans: These are a wonderful choice. If properly cooked they taste amazing. French beans are rich in protein and fiber content and contain an enough amount of complex carbohydrates. Nutritionists strongly recommend kidney beans to diabetic to lower the level of their blood glucose.

Brussel Sprout: A well-known natural remedy is to drink the juice of French beans mixed with the juice of brussel sprouts. The juice acts by stimulating the insulin production thus controlling the level of blood glucose.

Bean Decoction: Another well-known effective diabetic remedy is bean decoction. This decoction is prepared by boiling 50 gm deseeded French beans in three and a half liter water for around 4 hours. The mixture is then strained with the help of a strainer. Let the mixture cool for some hours. Drink this mixture daily after every two hours for 6 weeks. The better idea is to prepare the concoction daily so it may not lose its medicinal properties

Lettuce: American Diabetic Association has recommended that foods that have a lower content of cholesterol help to prevent the cardiovascular complications in diabetics. Lettuce is a vegetable that is low in cholesterol and carbohydrate at the same time. This unique combination has made the lettuce the best vegetable for reducing the blood sugar level.

Tomatoes: Tomato is another fruit for the obese diabetics who want to lose weight. They have lower carbohydrate content and ability to control the level of glucose in urine

Soya Bean: Soya bean also puts a check of the blood sugar and the urine sugar of the diabetics. They are low in carbohydrates but rich in proteins.

Onion: Onions are also good for diabetics, no matter raw or cooked. It lowers down the blood sugar level onions contains a compound which is similar to the one that is used in the synthetic production of insulin.

A well-balanced diet supplemented with fruits and vegetables enable the person to maintain best levels of blood sugar. These diet plans enables the diabetics to maintain a happier, healthier and longer lives.

So if you are suffering from diabetes; immediately do the following three things

1) Gather as much information about diabetes as you can

2) Know the treatment of each Signs Of Diabetes

3) Knowing what to eat and what to avoid is the best way to keep the diabetes under control. I hope that the list of foods that lower blood sugar will enable you to manage the journey towards diabetes monitoring with the help of best Diabetic Testing Supplies.

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Shoes For People With Diabetes

Knowledge Is The Key

When you were first diagnosed with diabetes, were you given instruction on how to take care of your feet on a daily basis? Chances are that you were given limited information in this very important area. The most common reason is because you and your health care professional were mainly focused on getting your blood sugar down to an acceptable range. I am a health care professional working in the diabetes education field and foot care is one area that I really stress when I talk to my clients with diabetes.


Because I have seen the damaging effects of poor foot care. These damaging effects include chronic foot ulcers that can lead to disability and in some cases, amputation. My goal is to educate as many people as I can about how to care for your feet. The more you know about foot care, the less chance you will have in developing foot ulcers now and in the future. This article is part of a series of information articles for people living with diabetes.

Choosing Footwear

As a Diabetic Educator, I often counsel people on how to choose the right footwear. Choosing the right footwear is an important part of diabetic foot care, since poorly fitting shoes are involved in as many as half of the serious foot problems that lead to ulcers and foot amputations. The person with a loss of sensation does not feel it when a shoe is not fitting properly and oftentimes does not realize that they have an ulcer or injury until days later and it becomes infected. This is one of the reasons why it is so important for the person with diabetes to be checking their feet every day.

There are companies that specialize in shoes that are designed with specialty insoles to help alleviate and/or prevent foot pain and injury. They manufacture special shoes and insoles for diabetics. They are designed with no interior seams or covered seams. The insoles for people with diabetes are generally custom made for the persons feet, to ensure proper fit and minimize any rubbing and uneven weight distribution. This prevents injury. Shoes for people with diabetes should also provide good air circulation for the feet.

It is important for a person with diabetes to have their shoes custom fitted by a trained professional, since they may not be able to feel an improper fit. By ensuring proper fit and good air circulation, the properly designed diabetic shoes and insoles will prevent pressure ulcers, encourage good blood circulation, and allow the skin to breathe.


Besides wearing the proper shoes, what else should a person with diabetes be doing? Here are some guidelines:

- Wear either shoes and socks or slippers and socks to protect your feet at all times.
- Do not wear shoes or socks that are too tight on your feet
- Alternate your shoes. Do not wear the same pair day after day.
- Make sure that your shoes are in good repair.
- Avoid open-toe or open-heel shoes or slippers as they can cause the skin on your feet and heels to become dry and cracked.
- Check the inside of your shoes for any possible source of irritation to your feet before putting them on.
- When buying new shoes, try them on at the end of the day and break them in gradually.

I hope that this article has been informative and has provided you with some good information in choosing footwear for your feet. My goal is to allow you to be an informed buyer when it comes to choosing shoes for yourself so that your risk of diabetic foot complications is minimized.

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Can Healthy Diet Foods Be Good For Diabetes?

It is a common fact that healthy diet foods are preferred than nutritious foods. If the health aspect of the diet foods is absent or deficient, then the benefit of eating those foods is zero. Since healthy foods help controlling diabetes, they are given top priority by diabetics. Foods which contain Minerals and Vitamins are recommended for diabetics in keeping normal levels of blood sugar. So, it is rightly claimed that healthy diet foods are good for diabetes as they control blood sugar levels. When there is opportunity for controlling diabetes, there is nothing to be worried about your diabetic condition.

It should be remembered that medication alone cannot solve the pathological condition when prone to diabetes. You can control blood glucose levels reasonably with some medication to certain degree but not as a whole without healthy diet. However, the sufferings can be managed by consuming right diet foods following a dietary meal plan. Be sure, you can prevent and manage diabetes by maintaining your health with healthy diet foods.

You can get a list of diet foods to eat after diagnosis of your present condition by a dietitian and improve your health by preventing further development of diabetes. You will be recommended to consume plenty of vegetables and fruits as healthy diets to supplement the requirements of your body. What is suggested to be added as diabetic healthy food, it should be consumed in small measures. If you have divided and small servings, your digestive system can function without problem, and the function of the pancreas will also be great. You may plan your healthy diet foods as follows:

Fresh Vegetables: There are vegetables of two varieties, one high in fiber and the other low in fiber. If the diet foods contain enriched fiber content, such foods can help the diabetic in blood sugar control. The condition will be pathetic if the food is plenty in carbohydrates. You can choose black beans and spinach for better effects.

Low sweet Fruits: Consuming fruits as healthy diet is equally important when you choose to consume vegetables. You can be sure to reduce your blood sugar by eating apples, pomegranates, and red grapes before or after your regular meal.

Grains and spices: Wheat, unpolished rice, and oatmeal are also healthy diets usually recommended for diabetics to control and manage diabetes as you aspire. Spices like garlic and cinnamon have amazing quality of helping pancreatic secretion of insulin needed to convert dietary glucose into energy.

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