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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Diabetic Foot Pain and the Many Related Health Problems

Diabetic foot pain is often a frequent complaint of those battling diabetes. Because of the high potential of impaired circulation associated with this "sugar" disease, complications of the feet are a frequent challenge.

One major complication that can lead to diabetic foot pain is diabetic neuropathy, which causes the loss of feeling in your feet, taking away your ability to feeling pain and discomfort. Naturally this is a serious matter since the decreased feeling leaves you with minimal ability to detect an injury or irritation. Furthermore, the poor circulation in your feet, continues to reduce your ability to heal, making it quite difficult for even a tiny cut to resist infection.

There are two types of diabetes and they differ in cause, clinical course and treatment. The major classifications of diabetes are the type I diabetes which is referred to as insulin dependent and the other one is type II diabetes which is referred to as non-insulin dependent.

A large percentage of the pain associated with these complaints is because of sensory neuropathy. This can show up as "sensitive pain," where the amount of pain is not proportional to the amount of insult that is causing it. For instance, just touching the skin or putting a sheet over your feet in bed could be painful. This can be present at the same time as numbness in the feet. Sensory neuropathy symptoms can include burning, tingling or a stabbing pain. Those with neuropathy are susceptible to the development of deep space infections in the foot. These infections have a high morbidity and can even lead to amputation, if the problem is not identified early.

Diabetic foot pain may also lead to muscle and joint problems. Many times you will see muscles that are impacted by diabetic neuropathy, circulation problems and atrophy. You may also see patients that become more susceptible to bacterial, fungal and yeast infections because of the medical and nutritional changes that take place in the body.

If you are faced with a diagnosis of diabetes, remember it is quite important that you follow a lifestyle of healthy habits. After all, you will want to do everything you can to avoid complications.

Be a smart and health-wise patient...don't ignore your diabetic foot pain!

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FDA Approves Drug That Treats Diabetes Through the Brain - I Think

There is an interesting idea for a new diabetes drug. Only now, they are going after my brain! In 2006, Januvia was the new drug of promise. By 2009, we learn that it has been suspected of causing pancreatitis. Oh man, what if over the next 3 years we learn that there is more dementia - thanks to Cycloset?

I'm sorry, but when I consider the pros and cons of drug therapy vs. behavior modification I am amazed that less than 10% of type 2 diabetics seem to control their diabetes without medication, i.e. by diet and exercise only.

It requires more work to get those numbers down by non-drug methods, but the multiple benefits far outweigh the many side effects to which we expose our lives from the long-term use of those drugs. Some of these dangers we will discover 3 or more years later, but the damage will be blamed on "diabetes" - not the drugs. After all, the drugs have been "approved."

Diabetes drugs are for "short term" control

The headline, "FDA backs drug that treats diabetes via the brain," is eye-catching and the feeling of "hopefulness" that seems to ooze from those drug advertisements is pale compared to what a great diet, exercise, and one or two natural food supplements can do for your blood pressure, cholesterol, arthritis, and blood sugar all in one shot.

Well, if you've read my rant this far, thanks for sticking it out. I hope you realize how bad I feel when I see very little effort been made by drug-sponsoring agencies in advocating natural control (maybe) because it would cut into their bottom-line. Of course, I am a sore "former" client to them now because for the past three years I haven't needed their products for my diabetes, but I've been more productive. While it seems that drug makers and approving agencies back away from the old natural methods of controlling my diabetes, you, the individual can consider the reality that these three things are running together:

1. increase in technology and ability to develop more drugs
2. increase in prevalence of type 2 diabetes and related conditions
3. drug companies profits increase each year

If profits from drug sales are soaring and our drug manufacturing "know-how" increases daily, why can't we prevent more people (even children) from developing type 2 diabetes? Maybe we are not doing something right. How about looking at how our diet and lifestyle have changed over the last 50 - 100 years and fix that?

New diabetes drug on the right track?

Don't think that the new FDA approved Cycloset puts us on the right track. By targeting the brain with a drug doesn't mean we are advocating "behavior modification". If that were the case it would be like trying to get to the moon in a parachute - we would not get very far.

Well, let us hope that Cycloset won't become the next Januvia, because this time it won't be the pancreas; it will be the brain, and then my fellow type 2 diabetics, we won't even know what has hit us in the head.

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The Truth Behind Acai Berry - Does it Provide the Desired Weight Loss Results For Diabetics?

Whether you have been living with diabetes all your life, or you are struggling to find a way to prevent it from occurring, then you probably know all too well how difficult it is to find the right supplement that works for you and your needs. With our fast paced lives and unhealthy diets, the percentage of the American population that is overweight is rising steadily, putting more and more people at risk of developing diabetes at some point in their life. There is no cure for diabetes and several hundred people die from this disease each year.

While some have no choice but to live with the disease, many are struggling to lose the extra weight that their unhealthy lifestyle has given them in hopes of preventing diabetes from happening to them. With so many different weight loss supplements available on the market today, many are made up of large amounts of sugar additives, like fructose, which can raise a person's blood sugar to dangerous levels. It is these constant high sugar levels that can cause diabetes while also posing serious risks for the diabetic who may be using these pills to lose weight. Since so many unhealthy weight loss pills exist on the market today, the demand for supplements that are all natural is steadily increasing forcing many manufacturers to rethink their approach to weight loss supplements.

While many claim to be all natural, Acai Berry weight loss supplements are one of the few supplements on the market that can deliver on this claim. Packed with antioxidants that can help boost your immunity against cancer and other diseases, these supplements are made from 100% Acai extract and do not require sugar additives to provide a sweet taste. The sweet taste comes naturally from the Acai Berries sweet pulp, making it a great, fast acting, weight loss alternative for diabetics as well as those looking to prevent the disease.

If you are looking to lose weight and are concerned about a weight loss supplements having an adverse effect on your diabetes then an Acai weight loss supplement may be the one for you. These products offer users the ability to lose weight quickly and naturally while not being a trigger for diabetes. So if you are concerned about either contracting or keeping your diabetes in check, then an Acai weight loss supplement may just be the perfect supplement for you.

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